原 圭寛
日本の教育史学 (ISSN:03868982)
vol.61, pp.32-44, 2018 (Released:2019-04-01)

This study examines how undergraduate courses of instruction were determined and why the registration system of choosing courses, called the “group system,” was adopted in Cornell University and Johns Hopkins University, with following two hypotheses: 1) these universities introduced the group system to prepare students for postgraduate studies, presupposing the educational ladder from secondary via undergraduate to postgraduate education; 2) the founding presidents of the universities introduced the group system because they opposed the free elective system in use at Harvard, and designed their systems based on ideas on the course of instruction found in Yale’s Reports of 1828.Previous studies interpret this period as the emergence of “American Universities” with specialization of undergraduate courses as a transformation from classical English-style colleges to German-like universities, and Johns Hopkins and Cornell were thought as pioneers of this transformation, following Harvard. However, it is also likely that both founding presidents, Daniel C. Gilman and Andrew D. White, were influenced by their own education at Yale College, which occurred after the 1828 Reports were issued. To support these conclusions, this paper examines the following materials: Annual Catalogues, Annual President’s Reports, and articles written by the two founding presidents. This analysis revises the characterization of the history of curriculum in American higher education as a pendulum swinging from one extreme to another (e.g. from prescribed to elective and then back to prescribed).


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[高等教育研究][大学史] 原 圭寛(2018)-ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学及びコーネル大学におけるグループ・システムの導入とその背景-
[高等教育研究][大学史] 原圭寛「1860-70年代アメリカの研究大学における学士課程の編成―ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学及びコーネル大学におけるグループ・システムの導入とその背景―」日本の教育史学61巻 (2018)

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原 圭寛(2018)-ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学及びコーネル大学におけるグループ・システムの導入とその背景- / “1860-70年代アメリカの研究大学における学士課程の編成” https://t.co/jhtNnbfKsv #高等教育研究 #大学史
原圭寛「1860-70年代アメリカの研究大学における学士課程の編成―ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学及びコーネル大学におけるグループ・システムの導入とその背景―」日本の教育史学61巻 (2018) / “1860-70年代アメリカの研究大学における学士課程の編成” https://t.co/TLYXaCzvro #高等教育研究 #大学史

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