村田 昇
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1964, no.10, pp.26-44, 1964 (Released:2009-09-04)

Eduard Spranger looked on the lack of political interest of the German people as an “hereditary defect.” Not only did he issue frequent warnings on the subject. He also exerted strenuous efforts to show how to overcome the defect. The roots of this defect he thought were to be found in the type of humanistic education which received its classic formulation by W. von Humboldt. He labored to discover a culture ideal for the new age by synthesizing the ideal of von Humboldt with that which by analogy he established as the ideal of political education, given its classic formulation by Frederick the Great. This work of Spranger gradually appeared in his demand for “political education.” What hemeant by “political education” was “education for country and for service to the totality, ” but this is not to be misunderstood as meaning blind servility to the nation-state or to the people. Spranger meant that under all circumstances education should be directed to acceptance of obligations in a spirit of freedom, with each individual conscious of his responsibilities and his position as an individual in a totality. In his thought, education was ultimately to be directed to nurturing an ethical and political attitude of spontaneity in the light of which men would shoulder their civic responsibilities according to their decisions made in good conscience before God. It is this kind of political education which I try to make clear in this essay.


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