高橋 洸治
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1970, no.22, pp.37-50, 1970-10-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

The essential character of the spirit consists in its objectivity. Thet is, spirit is determined by the definite character of a person and thing or a situation. However, this objectivity presupposes intentionality. It is when things become the object of our conscience and ear determined in concrete that they obtain the quality of existence by resisting intentionality. By determining the object we determine ourselves. Hence, self-determination promotes associating with the world. It is the subjective and individual conscience which governs the union with this world giving true peace of heart and leads toward an elevation of one's self. The original nature of this individual conscience is not the interference of an absolute judge or an external authority, but rather the insight into what is the better value for one's self. Thus the conscience as the heart of the intentional self, coordinates the self as a whole.


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