川本 崇雄
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.41, no.1, pp.57-74, 1976-06-30 (Released:2018-03-27)

This is one of the attempts to present lexical evidence relating Japanese to the Austronesian languages. Most of the Old Japanese (OJp.) kinship terms are, according to the author, derivative from or cognate with Proto-Austronesian (PAN) or its branches Proto-Indonesian (PIN), Proto-Eastern-Oceanic (PEO), and Proto-Polynesian (PPN), as follows : 1.1. OJp. titi, ti 'father, forefather' <*tu-i (*i=suffix forming the independent form of a noun) : PAN tuqa 'old ; father, forefather.' 1.2. OJp. fafa, fa 'mother' ; cf. ModJp. paipai 'mother's breast' : PAN bayi 'mother ; motherly. ' 2.1. OJp. omo 'mother,' the nasal form (n. f.) of OJp. ofo- 'grand-' : Malay (Ml.) empuan 'woman', probably : PAN e(m)pu 'grandmother, grandfather.' 2.2. OJp. ofodi 'grandfather' <*ofo-ti, ofoba 'grandmother' <dfolfa : PAN e (m)pu 'grandmother, grandfather.' 3.1. OJp. kaso 'father': Ml. ketua 'elder,' Maori katua 'full-grown, adult, of animals' : PAN ka- prefix, PAN tuqa 'old ; father.' 3.2. OJp. iro- 'maternal' ; cf. OJp. ira 'descent from a royal family' : the Banks Island languages iro 'personal article feminine,' ira 'personal article plural.' 4.1. ModJp, toto 'father' <*tu (reduplicated) : PAN tuqa 'father.' 4.2. ModJp. kaka 'mother': PAN kaka 'elder sister.' Cf. Fiji (Fi.) tua-ha 'elder brother, elder sister': PAN tuqa-kaka. 5.1. OJp. oya 'parent' <*oyo-a (-a=noun-forming suf.) <*moηtua : Ml. me-nua-kan 'let s. t. grow older, riper' <*meη-tua-han (*meη-=verbalizing pref., *.-kan transitive suf.) 5.2. OJp. ko 'child, son, ago 'dear child, dearest,': PAN a (η)ken 'mine' ; cf. Dayak aken 'nephew, niece.' 5.3. OJp. mago 'grandchild' : PAN makempu 'grandchild.' 6.1' OJp. mama 'step-', n. f. of *fafaru : PIN balu 'step-.' 6.2. OJp. mama 'foster mother', ModJp. child 1. mama 'food' : PAN mamaq: PPN mama 'food which, after being chewed, is to be fed to a baby.' 7.1. OJp. ani 'elder brother' : PAN Rani 'manly.' 7.2. OJp. ane 'elder sister' <*anne <*manne <*mamine, n. f. of *fafi,ee : PlN babi 'womanly,' PAN binay 'woman' : PPN fafine 'woman.' 8.1. OJp. ye 'elder brother of a man, elder sister of a woman' <*yd <*ntua : Ml. tua 'elder of the two' : PEO tuaka 'elder brother of a man, elder sister of a woman.' 8.2. OJp. oto 'younger brother of a man, younger sister of a woman' <*uto by vowel alternation (v. a.) <*uta : PAN uda 'young' ; Ml. muda 'younger of the two' <m-uda. 9. 1. OJp. se 'brother of a woman, husband' <*so : PAN tuqa : PEO tua 'father, man.' Cf. OJp. se, so 'the back ; remoter side' : PEO tua 'the back ; remoter side.' 9.2. OJp. imo 'sister of a man ; wife,' n. f. of *ifo : PAN ibu 'mother.' 10. OJp. tuma 'spouse' : PAN teman 'companion' 11.1. OJp. wo 'man, husband' <*mpu : PAN pu 'gentleman' 11.2. OJp. me 'woman, wife' <?*mi, n. f. *fi : PAN binay 'woman' 12.1. OJp. wotoko 'man, husband,' woto <*mputo 'young, marriageable,' v. a. of *mputa ; -ko 'man' : PAN buza 'young, marriageable, 12.2. OJp. wonna, womina 'girl' <mpomina : PPN fafine 'woman' 13.1. OJp. tozi 'mistress' <*tunsi: PAN tu(n) zuk : PPN tusi 'to bewitch s. o. by pointing at him ; sorcery, priest' 13.2. OJp. nusi 'master, minister,' n. f. of *tusi : PAN tu (n)zuk : PPN(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)


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