木山 幸輔
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.66, no.1, pp.1_170-1_190, 2015 (Released:2018-06-10)

This paper analyses the influential aid approach that bases itself on social experiments in which two components are distinguished. The first component is the accumulation of empirical knowledge through social experiments. Taking up randomized controlled trials, this paper measures the limits of social experiments and insists that they should be supplemented by qualitative and social structure inquiries. The second component is the design of aid programs using the idea of libertarian paternalism. Analysing the cases that utilize the idea, this paper argues that the application of libertarian paternalism can make the unendorsed conception of good life as its premise and that it causes problems stemming from depoliticizations of political judgments. Based on these arguments, this paper elucidates the meaning of the composition of the two components, arguing that it would bring serious transformations of maintained rationality in sosummaries cieties and deprive aid-receiving people of their political autonomies. This paper concludes by offering suggestions for desirable aid approach.


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