竹内 朋代 野口 雅之 川上 康 大河内 信弘
一般社団法人 日本臓器保存生物医学会
Organ Biology (ISSN:13405152)
vol.23, no.1, pp.21-28, 2016 (Released:2016-06-22)

Biobank is the facility for preserving and providing biospecimens such as human cells, tissues and blood with their clinical data. Every year the establishment biobank has increased all over the world. The human biospecimens are rarely provided for researchers who want to use them for life-science research in Japan; the preservation is done well, though. Recently the ethical guidelines for life-science research using of human biospecimens have been amended. Through this revision, researchers can be easy to use these human biospecimens than before. It is expected this will provide the chances to progress life-science research. The next step of banking the human biospecimens is to examine the quality of the samples and to prepare the standard operating procedure. It is also extremely expected that biobank will be the basis for research toward the highly advanced medical technology.


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