Nobuo R. Sayanagi Tsinjo Randriamanana Harisoa S. A. Razafimbelonaina Nirina Rabemanantsoa Henri L. Abel-Ratovo Shigeki Yokoyama
Japan Society of Personality Psychology
パーソナリティ研究 (ISSN:13488406)
vol.30, no.2, pp.56-69, 2021-09-06 (Released:2021-09-06)

This series of studies initially aimed to develop a scale to measure the motivation, based on the self-determination theory, of rural farmers in Madagascar toward an agricultural training program. Considering the low rate of literacy, the Likert scales were designed to be administered orally. However, there were several unforeseen challenges in psychological measurement that hindered the development of the scales. Despite several revisions, responses to the questions lacked sufficient variance for the first four studies. The scale produced in the fifth study attained marginally satisfactory variance and internal consistency. The final version of the scale asked questions in the second person and measured the respondents’ frequency of thoughts, instead of their degree of agreement with a first-person statement as is common in many scales. The possible reasons behind the lack of variance when answering in degrees are discussed. The challenges involved in the quantitative psychological measurement of impoverished populations, as well as considerations for future research in poverty contexts are also discussed.


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>RT この論文のようだ。https://t.co/MliMn3CvvL 一人称の質問文だとうまく意図したことを聞けないけど、二人称にして頻度を聞く質問にして初めて質問の意味が通じているような質問ができた、ということらしい。こんなこともあるんだな。
これは本当にそうで,しかもけっこう危ういんですよね。マダガスカルでの尺度開発についての拙著の研究1,ほとんどの尺度の分散がゼロでしたが,それを見た開発経済学の人たちが「農家の内発的動機づけが満点!とても意欲的で素晴らしい!」と言っていました。 https://t.co/L5T4e1EdM8 https://t.co/LqKKa0EPSM
多様なサンプルへアプローチするのは大事だけど大変だよ、という話としてここらへんを。 https://t.co/yCV9MikXg7 https://t.co/OOcmgPFASl https://t.co/cauchnHz6K
「Likertねぇ」については、これも衝撃的でした。Table 1のSDを見て思わず笑ってしまった(笑えない)。 Sayanagi et al. (2021). Development of a motivation scale in rural Madagascar. Pasonariti Kenkyu, 30(2), 56–69. https://t.co/cauchnHz6K
J-STAGE Articles - Development of a Motivation Scale in Rural Madagascar: The Challenges of Psychometrics in Impoverished Populations of Developing Countries https://t.co/6P8BxpgBjO
This paper, published in a Japanese local journal (but written in English!), attempted to develop a scale with Madagascar farmers. It nicely demonstrates weiredness of Likert scale for non-WEIRD ppl. Likert assume lots of things for responders. https://t.co/LQgFKRpC7h
マダガスカルでの尺度開発論文が公開されました。第5研究までやっても未完成。頑張りました。 J-STAGE Articles - Development of a Motivation Scale in Rural Madagascar: The Challenges of Psychometrics in Impoverished Populations of Developing Countries https://t.co/sMlRS24rgP

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