西本 晴男 松田 如水
公益社団法人 砂防学会
砂防学会誌 (ISSN:02868385)
vol.62, no.5, pp.12-17, 2010-01-15 (Released:2014-02-01)

Flash floods are floods characterized by a very rapid rise of the water stage and they are known to be frequently generated in mountainous torrents. Many deaths are caused by the flash floods that occur almost every year. In Japan, a flash flood is called “teppou-mizu". The origin of this term is associated with silvicultural technologies for timber floating. For example, “teppou-zeki" is an artificial dam to flush timbers downstream even during mountainous torrents. “Teppou-mizu" is not a scientific term although it has been used as common term. After investigating the past usage of these terms in media such as newspapers and dictionaries, it turned out that “teppou-mizu" is generally recognized as a term referring to a phenomenon which generally differs from a debris flow or flood.


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鉄砲水とは何か。 具体的な事例もあわせて知りたい。

Twitter (4 users, 4 posts, 3 favorites)

@STEINER1941 @dak30010 そういえば鉄砲水って今でこそですが、元は長野や岐阜など林業の盛んな地域の方言だったそうですw なので当時の有馬では水害を連想しなかったのかもですねw 「“鉄砲水”の成立過程と類似現象との関係について」 https://t.co/ATAPaeTrER
後で読む https://t.co/AU5g4Al9H2
「鉄砲水」という言葉の由来や定着に関する学術研究論文があるのだが、その論文のAbstractだけが英語で、逆に日本語の要約が存在しない。 扱ってる題材が日本語の単語なのに、なんかチグハグだなぁ。 https://t.co/rZ0zCaFi2U

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