三浦 克之 菊川 友子 中尾 隆文 東海 秀吉 泉 康雄 藤井 比佐子 北條 泰輔
Osaka Urban Living and Health Association
生活衛生 (ISSN:05824176)
vol.55, no.1, pp.59-64, 2011-03-10 (Released:2011-03-18)

In order to assess the safety of electronic cigarettes, 32 smokers who consume more than 20 tobacco cigarettes daily were enrolled in the present study. The cartridge of an electronic cigarette contains 0.25 g of glycerin aqueous solution. Each participant was asked to consume one filter cartridge per day (more than 150 puffs per day) for 4 weeks. Following the treatment, no abnormal changes in blood pressure, hematological data, or blood chemistry and no severe adverse events were observed. Although a trace amount of acrolein was detected in the vapor collected from a single filter cartridge, it was less than the minimum amount in the mainstream smoke from a single tobacco cigarette. During the use of the electronic cigarette, the daily consumption of tobacco cigarettes decreased significantly. This electronic cigarette containing glycerin aqueous solution may be a safe alternative to cigarette smoking.


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E-cigarettes emit no smoke and pose no known health risks to users or nonusers. In fact, according to the American Association of Public Health Physicians, e-cigarettes likely pose "much less than 1%" ...
Les différentes études de l'e-cig (pompé sur le site e-cigarette recherche). Oui, on sait un peu quand même. Recherche sur la cigarette electronique 1. Nicotine levels in electronic cigarettes. Goniew ...

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今回検討した電子タバコの安全性が確認された。 アクロレインが電子タバコより発生する蒸気中に検出 されたが 1 本のタバコの主流煙に含まれるアクロレイ ンの最少含量より少なく、喫煙者が使用する際に問題 はないと考えられた。 海外は限度を知らない https://t.co/KMM3UXesD2
@oynaoto きちんとしたエビデンス提示しようや 今回検討した電子タバコの安全性が確認された。 アクロレインが電子タバコより発生する蒸気中に検出 されたが 1 本のタバコの主流煙に含まれるアクロレイ ンの最少含量より少なく、喫煙者が使用する際に問題 はないと考えられた。 https://t.co/KMM3UXesD2
@arriolamikel Safety Assessment of Electronic Cigarettes in Smokers https://t.co/XnhkTDRs
@GPforhire There's plenty of evidence. http://t.co/8iCo8NdN http://t.co/tKht4Pxs http://t.co/Rkd5Hj1x
@GPforhire There's plenty of evidence. http://t.co/8iCo8NdN http://t.co/tKht4Pxs http://t.co/Rkd5Hj1x

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