Yuki Higashida Naoto Jimi Hiroshi Kajihara
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.25, no.2, pp.329-342, 2020-11-16 (Released:2020-11-17)

A new species of flabelligerid polychaete, Lamispina miurai sp. nov., has been described based on material collected at a depth of 226–228 m in the Pacific Ocean, off Aomori, Japan. Lamispina miurai sp. nov. can be differentiated from other congeners by the following features: i) the body is not covered with sand or large sediment particles; ii) the lamispines are present on the chaetiger 4 and succeeding chaetigers; iii) the tip of the lamispine is curved and subdistally serrated; iv) the cephalic cage is formed by chaetigers 1–3; and v) the length of the cephalic cage is twice as long as the body width.


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論文が出版されました! 三浦先生の寄贈標本を整理し、深海からハボウキゴカイ科の新種を発見しました。 Y. Higashida, N. Jimi, H. Kajihara (2020) Lamispina miurai sp. nov. (Annelida: Flabelligeridae) from off Aomori, Japan. Species Diversity 25, 329–342. https://t.co/frNNoUgGRs
Species Diversity 25(2),11 月 17 日,8 本 Online 出版です. @freeliving_mite @N_Licht https://t.co/YkadNHHHCj https://t.co/jEGzyomjtY https://t.co/cr1kOUsYZr https://t.co/vk2ZHz8tIz

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