土井 健司
宗教哲学研究 (ISSN:02897105)
vol.24, pp.18-34, 2007 (Released:2019-09-18)

In this paper I examine Gregory of Nyssaʼs thought of salvation of the pauper by considering his Homilies on the Beatitudes (Oration V) and his three sermons, i. e. “Against Usury”, “On Good Works”, and “On the Saying, ʼWhoever Has Done It to One of These Has Done It to Me’ ”. His thought of salvation of the pauper is founded upon his thought of philanthropy (philanthropia) and the eschatology. His thought of the philanthropia is based upon the ideal unity of the human nature. We should show the mercy for the pauper who has same nature. If one does not show it, he opposes his own nature. By drawing an eschatological scene Gregory proclaims that he who does not show the mercy for the pauper is accountable for the pauper’s death, because it is by his own free choice that he does not show the mercy. So we should make ourselves watch the pauper and show the mercy for them who have the same nature of humanity. God is also merciful, so we imitate him by the mercy for the pauper. Our deification will be achieved through this mercy.


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