佐藤 俊之 永瀬 純也 嵯峨 宣彦 齋藤 直樹
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.853, pp.17-00142, 2017 (Released:2017-09-25)

This paper proposes a two-degree-of-freedom control systems design using a preview feedforward controller called zero phase error tracking controller (ZPETC) to improvethe tracking performanceof the disturbance observer-basedPredictive Functional Control (PFC) systems. To this end, we derive a pulse transfer function representation of the PFC controller, which is used for the design of ZPETC, and show some properties of the PFC controller. Then a disturbance observer-based PFC system combined with ZPETC is designed. Several experiments using a single axis table drive system are conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed control method. The experimental results show that the tracking error is dramatically reduced compared to the previously-developeddisturbance observer-based PFC.


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国立国会図書館は下記の資料を所蔵していますか。また、所蔵していない場合は所蔵機関を紹介してください。 論文名:Predictive functional control with disturbance observer for pneumatic artificial muscle actuator

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日本機械学会論文集 Vol.83(2017) No.853「零位相誤差追従コントローラを用いた外乱オブザーバ併用型Predictive Functional Control制御系の追従性能改善」https://t.co/ZJPCQAFPGi
日本機械学会論文集 Vol.83(2017) No.853「零位相誤差追従コントローラを用いた外乱オブザーバ併用型Predictive Functional Control制御系の追従性能改善」https://t.co/ZJPCQAFPGi

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