道辻 洋平 石井 翔 長澤 研介 松本 陽 大野 寛之 佐藤 安弘 緒方 正剛 谷本 益久 岩本 厚 福島 知樹 品川 大輔
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.856, pp.17-00283-17-00283, 2017 (Released:2017-12-25)

It is important to secure running safety of railway vehicles against wheel-climb derailment accidents. The safety is often discussed according to the value of derailment coefficients for the leading outside wheel of a railway bogie running on sharp curves. Therefore, the detailed force induced mechanism which influences the value of derailment coefficients should be clarified. One of the most dominant factors affecting the value of derailment coefficients is magnitudes of the coefficient of friction (COF) between wheel and rail. Since the gauge corner of the outer rail and the top of the inner rail are lubricated at some sharp curves, COF of wheels of a bogie are different from each other and show complicated variation. In this study, the effect of lubrication for the running safety of the railway bogie is investigated while considering the detailed force induced mechanism of the derailment coefficient increase utilizing both multibody dynamics simulations and experiments. Experiments and simulations are conducted with a roller-rig test equipment under various conditions of wheel/rail lubrication. In this research, a method to identify whether the bogie is in suitably lubricated condition in terms of running safety is discussed. The proposed method making use of the longitudinal force measurement with mono-link type axle supporting device is mentioned.


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日本機械学会論文集 Vol. 83(2017) No. 856「同一台車内での車輪・レール間摩擦係数の差異が走行安全性に及ぼす影響(台上試験による実測と数値解析の比較)」https://t.co/CnqH7ts4nh
日本機械学会論文集 Vol. 83(2017) No. 856「同一台車内での車輪・レール間摩擦係数の差異が走行安全性に及ぼす影響(台上試験による実測と数値解析の比較)」https://t.co/CnqH7ts4nh
日本機械学会論文集 Vol. 83(2017) No. 856「同一台車内での車輪・レール間摩擦係数の差異が走行安全性に及ぼす影響(台上試験による実測と数値解析の比較)」https://t.co/CnqH7ts4nh
日本機械学会論文集 Vol. 83(2017) No. 856「同一台車内での車輪・レール間摩擦係数の差異が走行安全性に及ぼす影響(台上試験による実測と数値解析の比較)」https://t.co/CnqH7ts4nh

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