松藤 敏彦 石井 翔太
一般社団法人 廃棄物資源循環学会
廃棄物資源循環学会論文誌 (ISSN:18835856)
vol.22, no.6, pp.382-395, 2011 (Released:2012-01-17)
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石井 翔大
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
no.747, pp.949-955, 2018-05

&nbsp;This study aims to elucidate Hiroshi Ohe's activities in the Ministry of Education and to consider the architectural view of Ohe before the world war II.<br>&nbsp;Hiroshi Ohe (1913-1989) worked as a technician at the Ministry of Education from 1938 to the beginning of 1941 and was involved in the construction of the Jinmu Emperor's honoring monument and the National History Museum. This study collected and analyzed primary materials such as sketches, drawings, and documents created by Ohe during the Ministry of Education's Technical Time, which have been stored in the Ohe Architecture Atelier (formerly Ohe Hiroshi Architects). The design process of Jinmu Emperor's honoring monument from the first stage to the fourth stage can be considered a process of a gradual reduction in the conceptions of Ohe.<br>&nbsp;It is assumed that the theme of Ohe's sketches in the first stage was to superpose the space containing the monument by creating a plan and sequence in order to gradually join the area on the outside to that on the inside. Therefore, it can be pointed out that Ohe's intention in the later years, which emphasizes the psychological changes in people who experience building, has already been taken into account in the design of the monument.<br>&nbsp;In the later years, Ohe developed criticism against modernist architecture, advocating the principle of &ldquo;interminglement and coexistence&rdquo; and arguing about the importance of roofing and decoration.<br>&nbsp;It is assumed that the sketch of Fig. 11 contains the themes of roofing and decoration, deviating from simplicity that is one of the features of modernism architecture. Therefore, this sketch is considered an important material foretelling the construction of Ohe during the later years.
石井 翔子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.65, no.1, pp.1-44, 2014-09

Masaoka Shiki not only preached the necessity of "innovation in tanka" in Meiji 31 (1898) but also put his ideas into practice. One of his ideas was to use gairaigo (words of foreign language origin) including kango (words of Chinese origin) in order to enrich tanka.This study examines the frequency of kango in Masaoka Shiki's Take no satouta [Collection of Tanka] and whether the kango had already been used in pre-Edo Japanese poems.Three characteristic became clear:1.Although Shiki used kango in his tanka before Meiji 30 (1897), he used them for different purposes after that. In Meiji 31, he used kango to enrich his tanka, and as a consequence there were many kango in his tanka that year.2.In Meiji 32 and 33, there were a slight tendency for the kango in his tanka to describe humans, artifacts, buildings, and human and mental activity. After Meiji 34, this tendency strengthened.It is thought that this was because Shiki believed that kango were more suitable for describing humans and artifacts than natural things.3.There were many kango in his tanka that had not been used in pre-Edo Japanese poems, which demonstrates that he was positive about using kango in his tanka and increased the range of words in Japanese poems.正岡子規は明治31年に短歌革新を主張した。その主張の一つに、歌に詠む語彙を豊富にする為の、従来の和歌世界とは異なる漢語などの外来語の使用がある。そして子規自身もそれを実践している。本稿では、子規の短歌に漢語がどのくらい見られるのか、また子規短歌の漢語(今回は「人間」「器物」「宮室」「人事」を表す漢語に限定する)が古歌(江戸時代までの和歌)で用いられているのものであるのかに注目し、子規短歌での漢語使用の実態を明らかにしたい。調査の結果、次のことが明らかになった。1、明治31年の短歌革新発表前から、子規は漢語を短歌に詠みこんでいる。しかし明治30年以前での漢語使用の実態と、明治31年での漢語使用の実態は異なっている。明治31年では、短歌に詠みこむ材料を豊富にするために漢語を使用している。その為、多様な内容を表す漢語を見ることができる。2、明治32年になると、短歌へ使用する漢語は、「人間」「器物」「宮室」「人事」といった人間や人工物を表すものを表すようになる傾向が強くなり始める。明治34年になると、その傾向が顕著なものとなる。明治31年以降、積極的に短歌に漢語を使用してゆく間に、子規は、人間や人工物を表すものの方が、自然物をあらわすものよりも、漢語で表現するのに適しているとするようになったと考えられる。3、子規が短歌に使用した漢語は、古歌では歌の中には使用されなかったものが多い。子規は短歌へ漢語を積極的に使用することにより、古歌では歌の中で表現されなかった漢語で表現する事柄を短歌の材料にしている。
石井 翔子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.64, no.1, pp.53-85, 2013-09

石井 翔大
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.83, no.747, pp.949-955, 2018 (Released:2018-05-30)

This study aims to elucidate Hiroshi Ohe's activities in the Ministry of Education and to consider the architectural view of Ohe before the world war II. Hiroshi Ohe (1913-1989) worked as a technician at the Ministry of Education from 1938 to the beginning of 1941 and was involved in the construction of the Jinmu Emperor's honoring monument and the National History Museum. This study collected and analyzed primary materials such as sketches, drawings, and documents created by Ohe during the Ministry of Education's Technical Time, which have been stored in the Ohe Architecture Atelier (formerly Ohe Hiroshi Architects). The design process of Jinmu Emperor's honoring monument from the first stage to the fourth stage can be considered a process of a gradual reduction in the conceptions of Ohe. It is assumed that the theme of Ohe's sketches in the first stage was to superpose the space containing the monument by creating a plan and sequence in order to gradually join the area on the outside to that on the inside. Therefore, it can be pointed out that Ohe's intention in the later years, which emphasizes the psychological changes in people who experience building, has already been taken into account in the design of the monument. In the later years, Ohe developed criticism against modernist architecture, advocating the principle of “interminglement and coexistence” and arguing about the importance of roofing and decoration. It is assumed that the sketch of Fig. 11 contains the themes of roofing and decoration, deviating from simplicity that is one of the features of modernism architecture. Therefore, this sketch is considered an important material foretelling the construction of Ohe during the later years.
道辻 洋平 石井 翔 長澤 研介 松本 陽 大野 寛之 佐藤 安弘 緒方 正剛 谷本 益久 岩本 厚 福島 知樹 品川 大輔
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.856, pp.17-00283-17-00283, 2017 (Released:2017-12-25)

It is important to secure running safety of railway vehicles against wheel-climb derailment accidents. The safety is often discussed according to the value of derailment coefficients for the leading outside wheel of a railway bogie running on sharp curves. Therefore, the detailed force induced mechanism which influences the value of derailment coefficients should be clarified. One of the most dominant factors affecting the value of derailment coefficients is magnitudes of the coefficient of friction (COF) between wheel and rail. Since the gauge corner of the outer rail and the top of the inner rail are lubricated at some sharp curves, COF of wheels of a bogie are different from each other and show complicated variation. In this study, the effect of lubrication for the running safety of the railway bogie is investigated while considering the detailed force induced mechanism of the derailment coefficient increase utilizing both multibody dynamics simulations and experiments. Experiments and simulations are conducted with a roller-rig test equipment under various conditions of wheel/rail lubrication. In this research, a method to identify whether the bogie is in suitably lubricated condition in terms of running safety is discussed. The proposed method making use of the longitudinal force measurement with mono-link type axle supporting device is mentioned.
石井 翔子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.64, no.2, pp.59-105, 2014-03

This study examines how the words associated with place names in Masaoka Shiki's Take no Satouta [Collection of Tanka] changed after innovations in his tanka in Meiji 31 (1898). Five characterristics are clear:1. More words associated with place names were seen in his tanka after Meiji 31.2. ‌From Meiji 31 to Meiji 33, there was a remarkable increase in the words associated with place names in Tokyo, the Kanto area (excluding Tokyo) and Asia. Most of the increased at this time was not utamakura (places described in classical Japanese verse).In particular, from Meiji 32 to Meiji 33, more words associated with place names in Asia and Europe were used in his tanka, and in Meiji 32 and Meiji 33, kango (Japanese words of Chinese origin) and yougo (Japanese words of Europe origin) were used more frequently in his tanka than in other years.3. ‌After Meiji 32, he tended to choose words associated with place names in tanka based on his friends' deeds. In particular, after Meiji 34, this tendency was particularly strong.4. After Meiji 31, he tended to use fewer classic utamakura.5. ‌In his tanka, he tended to avoid the use of place names associated with cities, towns and villages and kango when he did refer to a Japanese place name.本稿では、子規の短歌に詠まれた地名語彙がどのようなものであり、短歌革新を境にした明治31年前後でどのように対応しているのかを明らかにしたい。その結果、次のことが明らかになった。1. ‌明治31年以降は、明治30年以前と比べ、地名語彙を詠んだ作品が減少してゆくが、地名語彙での「用語の區域」の拡大は見られる。2. ‌明治31年では東京と関東とアジアの地名語彙の増加が著しい。この増加は明治33年まで見られる。特に明治32、33年は幅広いアジアや欧米の地名語彙が詠まれる。アジア・欧米の地名語彙として、漢語と洋語の積極的使用が見られる。またこの期間に増やされた地名語彙は歌枕となっているものは少ない。3. ‌明治32年以降、子規の知人の行動に拠る地名語彙が多く見られる。特に明治34年以降は、他者の行動やその人の説明の為に地名語彙が使用される傾向にある。4. ‌歌枕となる地名語彙について、明治30年以前と比べ、明治31年以降では古典的な用法で詠まない傾向が見られる。5. ‌紀行文と比べ、短歌では国名や都道府県名といった大きな行政区画でない地名語彙が詠まれる傾向が小さい。また日本の地名は和語で表す傾向が見られる。
石井 翔子
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.62, no.2, pp.1-28, 2012-03

This study examines the words associated with plants in Masaoka Shiki's Take no Satouta [Collection of Tanka] i.e., parts of plants such as branches and leaves, agglomerations such as fields of mulberry, and shady spaces produced by leafy recesses. This study reveals how Shiki's observations and attitudes changed in his tanka through his life.Three characteristics have become clear:1. Before Meiji 30 (1897), there was a clear tendency for Shiki to often cite the parts of plants. However, immediately after the "tanka innovation," this changed and, while the variety of the parts increased, the number of tanka associated with plants decreased. In his later works, the number of tanka which likewise cited parts of the plants increased again.2. During his describing agglomeration's period and up to Meiji 33 (1900), agglomeration's words increased. However, in later years, between 1901 and 1902, large scale agglomerations of plants such as forests no longer appeared and there was a decline in the use of words reflecting agglomerations of plants.3. From before Meiji 30 to his final year (1902), there is a tendency for the number of references to shady spaces formed by plants to decrease and in his final year, 1902, there are no references in any of his tanka to shady spaces.正岡子規の短歌に詠まれた植物語彙について、植物の部位(枝や葉など)と集まり(桑の田など)、植物によって作られた空間(木陰など)を表す語について調査することで、子規の短歌の写生の姿勢が期間毎にどのような変化をするのかを明らかにしたい。本稿では、植物の部位(枝など)や集まり(桑の田など)、植物によって作られた空間(木陰など)を表す語の、正岡子規の短歌での使用状況を調査した。その結果、次の3つのことが明らかになった。1、明治30年以前(1897年以前)の作品では植物の部位を詠み込む傾向が大きく、短歌革新直後の作品では植物の部位の種類は増えるが部位を詠んだ作品数が少なくなり、晩年の作品で再度植物の部位を多く詠み込むようになったこと。2、明治30年以前から33年までの期間(1897年以前~1900年)での作品では、植物の集まりを表す語を使用する傾向が強く、大規模な植物の集まりが詠まれなくなった晩年(1901~1902年)では、植物の集まりを表す語を使用する傾向が弱くなったこと。3、明治30年以前から晩年へと年が下がっていくに従って、植物によって作られた空間(植物によって生まれた陰)を詠むことが少なくなり、最晩年(1902年)では全く詠まれなくなったこと