宮本 理人
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.138, no.10, pp.1291-1296, 2018-10-01 (Released:2018-10-01)
5 5

Physical exercise is well known to be beneficial to our health. Therapeutic exercise is widely applicable to metabolic disorders, including obesity and diabetes. In addition, recent studies have suggested its potential benefit in the treatment of more various diseases such as mental disorders and cancer. 5′AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which is an intracellular central metabolic sensor as well as a regulator, has been demonstrated to play significant roles in the contracting skeletal muscles, suggesting that AMPK should be one of the key molecules mediating metabolic effects during physical exercise. Therefore, AMPK is a desirable therapeutic target for drug discovery. In the symposium S41 held in the 137th Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, our data on the molecular mechanisms of isoform-specific postprandial suppression of AMPK activity were shared, and we discussed potential roles of AMPK as an intersection where metabolic signals by physical exercise and feeding status crosstalk. Here, I would like to introduce basic knowledge related to AMPK and recent findings regarding how AMPK activity is regulated in response to physiological and pharmacological stimulation.


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@kaz7347 https://t.co/AfKTP4IPi1 こちらのレビューと https://t.co/FvHqXnDJqe メトホルミンの作用機序を読むと、おそらくですが骨格筋と肝臓において多少の作用の違いが出てきているものと思います。(解釈間違ってるかもです) AMPKの作用は複雑なようで、現在も研究途中というところもあるのだと思います
AMPK活性化剤 その⑤ #ベルベリン 下記、参照文献にベルベリンにAMPK活性化作用がある(可能性がある)ことが記載されています。 参照その1 https://t.co/dGAdVRV2GH 参照その2 https://t.co/SY0GEmCVNj

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