恩田 光子 高垣 伸匡
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.138, no.5, pp.645-647, 2018-05-01 (Released:2018-05-01)

Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences has included an evidence-based medicine (EBM) exercise in the introductory education for clinical practice for 4th-year pharmacy students since 2015. The purpose of this exercise is to learn the process of practice and basic concepts of EBM, especially to cultivate the practical ability to solve patients' problems and answer their questions. Additionally, in 2016, we have attempted flipped teaching. The students are instructed to review the basic knowledge necessary for active learning in this exercise by watching video teaching materials and to bring reports summarizing the contents on the flipped teaching days. The program includes short lectures [overview of EBM, document retrieval, randomized controlled trials (RCTs), and systematic review], exercises [patient, intervention, comparison, outcome (PICO) structuring, critical appraisal of papers in small groups with tutors], and presentations. The program includes: step 1, PICO structuring based on scenarios; step 2, critical appraisal of English-language papers on RCTs using evaluation worksheets; and step 3, reviewing the results of the PICO exercise with patients. The results of the review are shared among groups through general discussion. In this symposium, I discuss students' attitudes, the effectiveness of small group discussions using flipped teaching, and future challenges to be addressed in this program.


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薬学生・薬剤師に実践的なEBM教育を進めていこう! https://t.co/lE6BvSPKOw 薬学部におけるEBM教育の現状 https://t.co/REk3zgxnRj 4年次臨床導入学習における反転授業を利用したEBM演習の取り組み https://t.co/zhQF8Z0Lsd

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