松尾 和哉
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.142, no.5, pp.513-519, 2022-05-01 (Released:2022-05-01)

Genetic information is replicated and transmitted from a parent cell to two identical daughter cells through mitotic cell division. To accomplish this dynamic process with high accuracy and precision, various motor proteins work in a concerted manner. Especially in the metaphase, mitotic chromosomes are delivered by the motor protein of centromere-associated protein E (CENP-E) to the cell equatorial plane (metaphase plate) along mitotic spindles. However, the critical functional failure of CENP-E can activate the spindle assembly checkpoint through the misalignment of chromosomes at the metaphase plate. In this symposium review, the reversibly photoswitchable CENP-E inhibitor PCEI-HU (5) is reported. Compound 5 exhibited almost quantitative trans-cis photoisomerization of the arylazopyrazole photoswitch by illuminating light at 365 nm and 510 nm. Depending on the photoisomerization, CENP-E activity was regulated not only in vitro but also in cells. We successfully established a novel technique using 5 to dynamically photocontrol the CENP-E-dependent chromosome movement and mitotic progression in a living cell.


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