Akihiro Hashimoto (@AkihiroHashimo5)


RT @UNUSB: An Equilibrium Raindrop Size Distribution Associated with a Heavy-Rain-Producing Convective System in Japan https://t.co/bj0Sxpc…
RT @UNUSB: Our new paper is available in early online release! This paper showed an equilibrium state in raindrop size distributions occurs…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Hirockawa and Kato, A New Application Method of Radar/Raingauge-Analyzed Precipitation Amounts…
Ice Core Drilling and the Related Observations at SE-Dome site, southeastern Greenland Ice Sheet(グリーンランド南東ドームにおけるアイスコア掘削と気象・雪氷観測) Yoshinori IIZUKA(飯塚芳徳)ほか https://t.co/AmKY8u1fxH
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Hirockawa et al., Characteristics of an Extreme Rainfall Event in Kyushu District, Southwestern Japan in E…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Nasuno, T., Impacts of cloud microphysics modifications on diurnal convection and the ISO over…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Yamashita et al., Quantitative snowfall distribution acquisition system with high spatiotempora…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Orikasa et al., In Situ Measurements of Cloud and Aerosol Microphysical Properties in Summertime Convectiv…


#SOLA new paper "Development of a New Particle Imaging Radiosonde with Particle Fall Velocity Measurements in Clouds" by K. Suzuki et al. https://t.co/1g4L5ugf9p
まさにその通りで,たとえばNagata et al. (1986)では,朝鮮半島の長白山脈(白頭山など)を消して陸で埋めた実験,消してさらに陸上摩擦を弱めた実験でもJPCZは発生したけれど,朝鮮半島を海に変えた実験のときだけJPCZが消えたそうです。境界層の冷たさが鍵とのこと。 https://t.co/JQMS4sGzvt https://t.co/r8kl0LeF62
JPCZ(日本海寒帯気団収束帯)についてよく知りたいな…という皆様にお知らせです。 JMSJのEito et al. (2010)で、風向に直交する筋状雲の構造と発生メカニズムについて詳細に調査されていますので、お勧めです。(JMSJ編集委員なので、こっそり宣伝…) https://t.co/qcrIttyKO6 https://t.co/whabkkRgqo
朝倉書店さんから、新刊をお送り頂きました。大気の川の論文 https://t.co/Y5yhPLAr1s も引用して頂いて感激です。線状降水帯について詳しく知りたい人は、まず最初にこれを読んでみると良さそうですね! https://t.co/xNP07kan2q
Sola new paper: Kobori et al., Estimating Volcanic Eruption Column Height and Growth Rate Using X-Band Marine Radar at the Sakurajima Volcano, SOLA, 2022, Vol. 18, 231-235, doi:10.2151/sola.2022-037, https://t.co/wizDvezLQX, #SOLA https://t.co/rHcIEnL5lr
Sola new paper: Shion Sekizawa and Tsubasa Kohyama, Meteotsunami Observed in Japan Following the Hunga Tonga Eruption in 2022 Investigated Using a One-Dimensional Shallow-Water Model, SOLA,2022, Vol. 18,129-134,doi:10.2151/sola.2022-021, https://t.co/KRot4SuRmR https://t.co/2GEyVeVP59
Sola new paper: Seto, S., Examining the Consistency of Precipitation Rate Estimates between the TRMM and GPM Ku-Band Radars, SOLA, 2022, Vol.18, 53-57, doi:10.2151/sola.2022-009, https://t.co/P9TjpCN8IT https://t.co/2y99nxqj89
Sola early online release: Goto and Sato, Relationship between the Upper-level Winds and the Horizontal Movement of Localized Heavy Rainfall in the Afternoon of Summer Days around Tokyo, SOLA, Vol.18, doi: 10.2151/sola.2022-002, https://t.co/5svZJZwRi9
Sola new paper: Fujibe and Matsumoto, Estimation of Excess Deaths during Hot Summers in Japan, SOLA, Vol.17, 220-223, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-038, https://t.co/T07B15Xjyu https://t.co/oX2t8ViQMw
Sola new paper: Fukui and Murata, Sensitivity to Horizontal Resolution of Regional Climate Model in Simulated Precipitation over Kyushu in Baiu Season, SOLA, Vol.17, 207-212, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-036, https://t.co/aPsizNr2KA https://t.co/9cxZrE1RTs
A paper on Ice-core drilling on SE-Dome, Greenland has been published in Bulletin of Glaciological Research. The drilling team has started "writing the draft" during the blizzard rest days!! https://t.co/UpJk0JNyFI
夜中に台風が発達しやすいことについては、 福田ら(2020) https://t.co/YJ0bBjh1YH とか Tangら(2019) https://t.co/ZF2xSglhKX とか、最近結構たくさん論文が出てる。
Sola early online release: Kanno and Matsuyama, Pre-1906 extension of precipitation data for Chichi-jima in the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands based on the analysis of historical documents, SOLA, 2021, Vol.17, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-030, https://t.co/YVHyL6x9n9
Sola new paper: Gong et al., Effects of Anomalous Arctic Polar Vortex on Vegetation Growth in Northern Eurasia, SOLA, 2021, Vol.17, 151-157, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-027, https://t.co/ckRr2ONKei https://t.co/TSLRZHfvVU
Sola new paper: Kanada et al., Future Changes of a Slow-Moving Intense Typhoon with Global Warming: A Case Study Using a Regional 1-km-mesh Atmosphere–Ocean Coupled Model, SOLA, 2021, VOL.17A, 14-20, doi: 10.2151/sola.17A-003, https://t.co/267lX0mcQH https://t.co/PPJNPUdPy6
Sola new paper: Kawase et al., Enhancement of Extremely Heavy Precipitation Induced by Typhoon Hagibis (2019) due to Historical Warming, SOLA, 2021, VOL.17A, 7-13, doi:10.2151/sola.17A-002, https://t.co/df3KeXExiV https://t.co/CzS5rDei6z
Sola early online release: Nasuno, T., Impacts of cloud microphysics modifications on diurnal convection and the ISO over the Maritime Continent: A case study of YMC-Sumatra 2017, SOLA, 2021, VOL.17, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-003, https://t.co/MHB2Q5ppQJ
New Graphical Abstract now available online! https://t.co/HybJcZ4VHO Unuma, T., and T. Takemi, 2021: Rainfall characteristics and their environmental conditions during the heavy rainfall events over Japan in July of 2017 and 2018. https://t.co/UrxzugN7Wr https://t.co/Q8Pcp10Zmf
ありそうでなかった論文。台風の強度予報(発表予報)の相互比較(気象庁、中国気象局、JTWC)。1年あたり1-2 %(進路予報と比べると半分程度)で予報精度が改善していますね。https://t.co/u8OwlgsXQW

