High-dose pitavastatin increases the incidence of CIN. Unexpected results!
Prevention of Contrast-Induced Nephropathy After Cardiovascular Catheterization and Intervention With High-Dose Strong Statin Therapy in Japan ― The PREVENT CINC-J Study ― https://t.co/p5UhQJoZ2F
1991年には"Transient segmental asynergy of the left ventricle of patients with various clinical manifestations possibly unrelated to the coronary artery disease"という論文を発表されました。https://t.co/rjfpKE7Hnw(つづく)
伊賀先生は、「心臓もARDSの肺障害のように、何らかの代謝性、液性因子のターゲットになって障害を受けるんだ。」と力説しておられ、論文"REVERSIBLE LEFT VENTRICULAR WALL MOTION IMPAIRMENT CAUSED BY PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA : A Case Report"を発表されていました。https://t.co/nmJKRAsyMS(つづく)
I made an educational lecture about "Takotsubo syndrome" during the 25th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Heart Failure Society. This is the paper that my great mentor, Dr. Iga, gave to me more than 30 years ago. https://t.co/NWnuv7HzyU https://t.co/WlvHvcawkg
倉敷中央病院からの論文「Outcomes at 1 Year of Non-Left Main Trunk Bifurcation Lesions Treated With a 2-Stent Strategy Using Newer-Generation Everolimus-Eluting Stents」に対する私のeditorial commentsが掲載されました。
My editorial comment titled "Two Stents for Non-Left Main Bifurcation Lesion -Less Is More?" was published in Circulation Journal. https://t.co/Qyg8XZpvz8
AF was associated with poor prognosis in ADHF patients with MR but not in those without MR.
Impact of Atrial Fibrillation on the Prognosis of Acute Decompensated Heart Failure With and Without Mitral Regurgitation https://t.co/o3hOng2sWc
Impact of Atrial Fibrillation on the Prognosis of Acute Decompensated Heart Failure With and Without Mitral Regurgitation https://t.co/o3hOng2sWc
HCM patients have distinct and characteristic physical findings, such as visible jugular a-wave, S4, and double apex beat, which are useful in the diagnosis before advanced imaging techniques.
By Tatsuya Kawasaki @jsbtk
#circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/klTm6PoD2C
Please visit https://t.co/TA2j7wYD50 & https://t.co/Qu8oJtgtY3. Attention narrows perception scope. Consistency is not always good. Be open to new ideas. Let us fight bias/intolerance.
By Mitsuyasu Terashima, Hideaki Kaneda
#circ_j #CardioTwitter https://t.co/UNOEGzQzeU