@konrad@social.coop (@kmlawson)


5/8 There is an article by 圓入智仁 that provides a broader background and context for the voyage: 「少年団日本連盟の練習船と少年たち 第二次世界大戦前夜における海洋教育」but I don’t see 小林’s account cited there. https://t.co/P8H5hVkFXv
@Wencheng_11 There is a full index of the contents of each issue on NDL website but no view of contents itself: https://t.co/tpawoR2SB2
It might be fun to compare this with older travel guides. The NDL has this one from 1922 published by 満鉄: 鮮満支観光旅程: https://t.co/GMAmjTRfQQ 2/2
Katsumata Senkichirō’s 『笑話集 : 英和対訳』(1901) with English title “Gems of Wit and Humour” is a collection of short anecdotes apparently once sufficiently funny to generate laughter, with accompanying Japanese translations. https://t.co/lXSEaLCFee https://t.co/ri07pyxZsy
RT @NDLJP_en: Not exactly what you might expect: a scrap book of business cards from the Edo period: https://t.co/0svnMXavK3 #ndldigital ht…

14 0 0 0 OA 兵要支那語

This Chinese language dictionary/phrasebook for Japanese soldiers, published same month as outbreak of first Sino-Japanese war 1894, is pretty much as awful as you might expect.『兵要支那語』 I’ll post comments and translations at @froginawellnet soon https://t.co/GsZhgSxj6h https://t.co/DDcKAsIq4K
Here is the earlier 1941 volume of 満洲北支民芸図選 that includes a section on toys. Depicted here is a cloth tiger (布老虎): https://t.co/LXMsnYL97g https://t.co/mQaereXeUE
Here is a colourful collection of folk images from northern China and Manchuria published during the Japanese occupation in 1942: 満洲北支民芸図選 https://t.co/6ylx4p5uzC https://t.co/810QsZYLFD


I called Kita Ikki a rightwing ‘revolutionary’ partly because that’s how his and his ilk were described by the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey This is Report No. 53a(90)(a), USSBS Index Section 2 https://t.co/qy5XJFvM95 https://t.co/haBnnjOnvm https://t.co/6EdPnXRs0x
「文化」は「文明開化」の略? 明治22(1889)年の辞典より https://t.co/EqWlMLpM02 https://t.co/8V2H3yzeAt

