

https://t.co/GoD4w5Lnn2 https://t.co/U5631GLRJZ
「岩手県や北海道などの寒冷地で導入当初からキャベツ生産が開始された理由は、明治前期に導入されたキャベツの品種が寒冷地に適する品種であったことに加え、結球野菜であるキャベツが、野菜類が欠乏する冬季において貯蔵が可能であったことによるものと考えられる」https://t.co/KU2HG9DhgQ https://t.co/ctDi6uiJ3O
RT @NDLJP_en: This article presents the process of large-scale digitization of materials at the National Diet Library. From the selection o…
戦前日本の景気循環 https://t.co/dqdlxyfJIl https://t.co/2JI1Z5rQXS
The Japanese reception of Lukács begins in 1927 with a partial translation of History and Class Consciousness https://t.co/zd9RSzygLE https://t.co/iKlnijCORx
@ernestleungmt 井関孝雄(1932) https://t.co/dke9mANpRJ https://t.co/8HnAqCCCyQ
森克己『人身売買——海外出稼ぎ女』至文堂、1959年https://t.co/hp6Tkioe35 宮岡謙二『娼婦——海外流浪記』三一書房、1968年https://t.co/V1t4k4PeBD
森克己『人身売買——海外出稼ぎ女』至文堂、1959年https://t.co/hp6Tkioe35 宮岡謙二『娼婦——海外流浪記』三一書房、1968年https://t.co/V1t4k4PeBD

15 0 0 0 OA 植民及植民政策

@gureko_cat 九州もいわゆる「内地植民地」ですもんね (出典:矢内原忠雄『植民及植民政策』https://t.co/V6Ev5452yf) https://t.co/QIXwJtXdBB
@jo_linkous @Sharon_Kuruvila this one’s ok https://t.co/AH1MU8JR9p my own research has traced the first reception of hegel farther back — to the tenpo era ps check ur line!
えーーーっ!?https://t.co/NWFAnfmf0y https://t.co/1so9om0AZT
Credit to Kawata Masahiro’s PhD dissertation (Otemae University, 2016) which provides a detailed reception history of Italian fascism in Japan: https://t.co/MiT4Mzx79y He was the one who found these first mentions, I just checked his sources on Kikuzô, the Asahi Shimbun database
近代日韓関係資料解題 https://t.co/5OMa4uGSTA

1 0 0 0 OA 両替商沿革史

@johnclarkdamico found the original https://t.co/BIl75FaEhd https://t.co/V1cE1ivl5b
という、課税対象とする菓子の範囲を不適当とする事由であった。課税の対象という点では、菓子と非菓子とを区別することは難しいとされた」(並松信久「和菓子の変遷と菓子屋の展開」『京都産業大学日本文化研究所紀要』第26号(2021年3月)、110-111頁) https://t.co/08BODNuIBK 7/7
RT @B4Btv: 「文化」は「文明開化」の略? 明治22(1889)年の辞典より https://t.co/EqWlMLpM02 https://t.co/8V2H3yzeAt
@ernestleungmt See also https://t.co/gflLUJMrf8
RT @hono_bonno: @Koji_hist すでにご存知かと思いますが、イングランド史の文脈ですと那須先生のこのまとめが日本語では最良と、修士の頃から伺っております。 https://t.co/SEsvRiM1Qa
「この『右翼思想犯罪事件の綜合的研究』(https://t.co/gilNwyvHRH)は、当時の司法部内の右翼運動における文献としては『我国に於ける最近の国家主義乃至国家社会主義運動に就て』(https://t.co/XrltrWfsC0)と共に最高のものであり、検察当局が蒐集しえた資料の精粋はこの執筆のために使用された」 https://t.co/PMvGuYGdPu
「この『右翼思想犯罪事件の綜合的研究』(https://t.co/gilNwyvHRH)は、当時の司法部内の右翼運動における文献としては『我国に於ける最近の国家主義乃至国家社会主義運動に就て』(https://t.co/XrltrWfsC0)と共に最高のものであり、検察当局が蒐集しえた資料の精粋はこの執筆のために使用された」 https://t.co/PMvGuYGdPu
四方田雅史「模造パナマ帽をめぐる産地間競争——戦前期台湾・沖縄の産地形態の比較を通じて』『社会経済史学』69巻2号 (2003年)、169-188頁 https://t.co/zHE2aTNwTw
@LillianTsay 小出保治『菓子の配給経済学』帝国菓子飴公論社1943年 https://t.co/tCEnx0SUdk https://t.co/qKCAH9aJC6
I called Kita Ikki a rightwing ‘revolutionary’ partly because that’s how his and his ilk were described by the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey This is Report No. 53a(90)(a), USSBS Index Section 2 https://t.co/qy5XJFvM95 https://t.co/haBnnjOnvm https://t.co/6EdPnXRs0x

5 0 0 0 運命の門

出典:児玉誉士夫『運命の門』 鹿鳴社、1950年 https://t.co/YCn4zsaNUd
@LillianTsay On the perception of beauty and how it changed: https://t.co/Xf7467GVBh

79 0 0 0 OA 高齢者写真名鑑

『高齢者写真名鑑』大日本敬老会、1925年 「高齢者の不朽の栄誉を千歳の後に伝うべく本書の発行を企てたりしところ、幸いにして甚大なる清援の下に、多数資料を供給せられ、最も至難なる該事業をして、予想以上の短日子を以て完成せしめられたり」 https://t.co/pAUDRZ4MgL https://t.co/jF0LAoNzq5
河合秋平編『軍艦帖——海と船の写真帖』勝田書店、1923年 https://t.co/9CZYzZAaJn @mn76 https://t.co/BW5FxdoVGK

3 0 0 0 OA 嫁さがし

出典:近藤浩一路『嫁さがし』磯部甲陽堂、1918年、48頁 https://t.co/KCW7T15nuM

1 0 0 0 支那全土

日本民族の血潮が流れていた彼が昔、既にこれを占領していたことは何かの因縁浅からずというの感なき能はずである」(片山繁雄『支那全土』正信同愛会、1938年、337-8頁 https://t.co/X9VtPxTukj) (4/4)
「文化」は「文明開化」の略? 明治22(1889)年の辞典より https://t.co/EqWlMLpM02 https://t.co/8V2H3yzeAt
@mn76 新渡戸稲造「糖業改良意見書 (1901年9月)」矢内原忠雄編『新渡戸博士植民政策講義及論文集』岩波書店、1943年、177-240頁 https://t.co/dKljB1BCEP 同「台湾に於ける糖業奨励の成績と将来 (1910年2月)」前掲『新渡戸博士植民政策講義及論文集』241-265頁 https://t.co/Sb3d7B47U0
@mn76 新渡戸稲造「糖業改良意見書 (1901年9月)」矢内原忠雄編『新渡戸博士植民政策講義及論文集』岩波書店、1943年、177-240頁 https://t.co/dKljB1BCEP 同「台湾に於ける糖業奨励の成績と将来 (1910年2月)」前掲『新渡戸博士植民政策講義及論文集』241-265頁 https://t.co/Sb3d7B47U0

14 0 0 0 OA 動物園

「ラクダの背中にある大きな瘤(コブ)は脂肪のかたまりで、食物の足りない時でも、全身でそれで養われるのです。だから飢えてくると、このコブがだんだん小さくなってきます」 石川千代松『動物園』アルス日本児童文庫、1928年 https://t.co/xbbMHUGyRK https://t.co/PBt6tmWji4

3 0 0 0 OA 絵入智慧の環

This is from a Meiji era elementary school textbook entitled『絵入智慧の環』originally published in 1870: https://t.co/AxNLhvrQVm https://t.co/AU84xPwtzm
hot damn 宮島幹之助『国際阿片問題の経緯』日本国際協会、1935年 https://t.co/djnVC7cldE https://t.co/js1M1Gzxfb https://t.co/N64Qc6AE8O

3 0 0 0 OA 朝鮮専売史

『朝鮮専売史』第3巻、朝鮮総督府専売局、1936年 https://t.co/Qu7025JyHR https://t.co/LYtKDgsUfs
その議論の熱心にして同情の厚き事は、常に心の狭くして冷たい私を赤面させていた。イギリスは支那やインドでずいぶん搾取的政策を実行したが、しかしイギリス人にはやはり大国民たる点があるとの感銘を私は深く受けたのであった」(https://t.co/XaD8kPpXUD) (3/3)

2 0 0 0 OA 台湾糖業統計

Look at the number of sugar companies grow in Taiwan! And the total capital stock of the sugar industry jump from ¥1m to ¥125m in just 16 years! And the non-stop mergers [合併] in this competitive industry Source:『台湾糖業統計』台湾総督府殖産局、1918年 https://t.co/OIhCmXzH6O https://t.co/wbeu2nNRyI
Source: 台湾銀行編『台湾経済統計摘要』大正8年9月調 https://t.co/00Bs0s3tCc
And the Lewes doesn’t appear in that catalogue of foreign books (though it’s not complete, as many books were lost before being catalogued, see: https://t.co/Vyikt5iLsV) but the Nieuwenhuis does Anyway, now we can place Kant in Japan earlier than anybody had guessed — the 1830s!
But given the high regard the dictionary had among the scholars of Dutch learning and the substantial treatments of the 4 philosophers in it, this makes for a much more convincing account than Miyanaga’s *unsubstantiated* hypothesis that it was via Lewes: https://t.co/ihaAhOzbyn
Nieuwenhuis’s dictionary was used as a source in works by scholars of Dutch learning Watanabe Kazan (in 1839); Mitsukuri Shôgo (in 1844) and Mitsukuri Genpo (in 1851) as Miyachi Eyako’s research here shows: https://t.co/grPiG9fzyh https://t.co/JgjxzOzC0U
@Komavary 林進「ふたつのニーチェ受容——トマス・マンと三島由紀夫の場合」『大谷女子大学紀要』第33号第1輯 (1998年10月)、19-61頁 https://t.co/RBfUcram58
@Komavary 高山秀三「少年期における三島由紀夫のニーチェ体験」『京都産業大学論集人文科学系列』第48号 (2015年3月)、281-315頁 https://t.co/5c2cldooUD
@RajiSteineck @RoiRoiDame it’s hard to reconstruct what nishi’s reading may have been like before he left for leiden in 1862, because the catalogue of foreign books that bakufu had (at e.g. 蕃書調所, where nishi taught from 1857 with tsuda) is partial, most books having been lost: https://t.co/Vyikt5iLsV
@KandraPolatis Mass inoculation (left) and public lecture on health (right) in colonial Korea https://t.co/geztAV2Yf2 https://t.co/fqcYuxc4SQ
@KandraPolatis Quarantine vessel in colonial Korea (left) and a travelling clinic (right) https://t.co/XUyESZYfUD https://t.co/aypaDmbgRv
「毛里英於菟関係文書」 https://t.co/Nt8IyAThvx 「「革新官僚」の思想に関する一考察」 https://t.co/rTRgUaRRgE 「毛里英於菟の「東亜協同体」論からみた東アジアの地域秩序構想」 https://t.co/mcWXqzZbtc 「ナチス期ドイツの経済政策思想と日本への影響」 https://t.co/jKNXT9O0IS
RT @agathosbios: Kitao Masayoshi's 北尾政美 depiction of the Edo [Tokyo] bookstore Kanseidō Izumiya Ichibee 甘泉堂和泉屋市兵衛. 『東海道名所圖會』6(寛政9/1797). ht…
From the grandfather of Japanese economics, the great Fukuda Tokuzô https://t.co/feh2U4DUk6
@ktdrozdowski The reception begins in 1812 with a written statement of a Russian naval officer captured in Japan, after landing on Kunashir Island. He described his circumstances but also what was happening in Europe at the time Find a Japanese friend to read this with https://t.co/eL3yz9KEvz
「西郷隆盛を官僚政治の反対者、即ち皇室と万民との中間に介在する一種の権力を拒否したる人物と観察し、その方面よりその生涯を叙述」 https://t.co/QouPWA71Yi

2 0 0 0 OA 官報

@SarahR_Schmid Oh and here are the sources for the images above 明治10年2月25日 行在所達 第4号 https://t.co/gVug4aDgsF 明治22年2月12日 官報 第1683号 叙任辞令 https://t.co/5OdFRtWgLf And the pardon from the same day: 明治22年2月12日 勅令第12号 大赦令 https://t.co/QMViuqIo9Z
@ClintonGodart The exiled regime’s authority flowed from the Emperor via the Tokugawa family, just as before, that’s how it was justified on paper. The Ezo ‘Republic’ is an exonym (see https://t.co/2wMa1HcoGE) https://t.co/rW4TN0O7vA
Source for the above: https://t.co/daYAKMRkwL Here’s a look at the output of one of those institutions, the 満洲国立開拓研究所 https://t.co/FT49SWWt8K https://t.co/vYN8SaZys4
RT @B4Btv: This 1884 pamphlet argues against evading conscription by pointing to India — see, if Japan is colonised, there’ll be tyranny an…
This 1884 pamphlet argues against evading conscription by pointing to India — see, if Japan is colonised, there’ll be tyranny and famine!「ああ人々この兵役を嫌悪するときは、この国を外人に略奪せられて、またインドの如きに到るも知るべからず恐るべし恐るべし」https://t.co/q4XyOOJYnq https://t.co/JEOw1GpYZk
@johnclarkdamico Yo check this out https://t.co/CV26jumZcW
RT @NDLJP_en: J. C. Hepburn lived in Japan from 1859 to 1892 and compiled a Japanese and English Dictionary (1867), the first work of its k…
On the reforms Nishihara implemented in Kumohara village during his tenure as mayor, see: https://t.co/C0mzdBS8dW and https://t.co/zwTMFGrJ7T
On the reforms Nishihara implemented in Kumohara village during his tenure as mayor, see: https://t.co/C0mzdBS8dW and https://t.co/zwTMFGrJ7T
@DavidVeevers1 Re: Udagawa vs. Murai, I found a debate from 2015-16 which luckily have abstracts in English adequately translated. They nicely sum up the decades-long tiff, so I suggest you find someone who reads Japanese to go through them with https://t.co/YkWPKzvX00 https://t.co/A4POOKTrPM https://t.co/RWQYAaMXUW
@DavidVeevers1 Re: Udagawa vs. Murai, I found a debate from 2015-16 which luckily have abstracts in English adequately translated. They nicely sum up the decades-long tiff, so I suggest you find someone who reads Japanese to go through them with https://t.co/YkWPKzvX00 https://t.co/A4POOKTrPM https://t.co/RWQYAaMXUW
極東及東南アジア諸地域物価指数1941~45 出典:『戦時中金融統計要覧 昭和12年から昭和20年(8月)迄』日本銀行統計局、1947年10月、160~161頁 https://t.co/E8PdUTLwCA https://t.co/7xAyKNyhxO
RT @B4Btv: Wow, looks like smiling in photographs really took off after the Great War! This graph shows the percentage of photographed indi…
Wow, looks like smiling in photographs really took off after the Great War! This graph shows the percentage of photographed individuals who are smiling in the newspaper Tokyo Asahi Shimbun over the Taishō era (1912-26) Source: https://t.co/dsTXcAxx2Z https://t.co/VnanctvxGK

5 0 0 0 OA 労働調査報告

RT @B4Btv: This 1924 report on the ‘Korean Labourer Issue’ from the Research Office of Social Bureau of Osaka City contains much data on im…
A useful list of historical sources and prior researches on Kenkoku University: https://t.co/LQ6mbmrFkk

2 0 0 0 OA 秘書類纂

またフランスのアルジェリアにおけるが如く、台湾総督には相当の職権を授けるべしといえども、台湾の制度はなるべく内地に近からしめ遂に内地と区別なきに至らしむることを要す。 本員の所見をもってすれば無論に乙案を可とす」 出典:『台湾資料』(秘書類纂刊行会、1936) https://t.co/iXXP9QA4YJ

3 0 0 0 OA 子爵斎藤実伝

Here’s the link to the source https://t.co/CSvRqXWUho

6 0 0 0 OA 植民政策研究

That is, Yamamoto Miono thought that the ideal future everyone had in mind for Korea was that it’ll be allowed to become a dominion like the British did for Canada, Australia and South Africa. Source: 山本美越乃『植民政策研究』(弘文堂書房、1920年)、223頁 https://t.co/Hk9IIjcRCH
https://t.co/cYbeHo8NrT https://t.co/5i76PDmW7H
@SayakaChatani @HiromuNagahara This seems relevant: https://t.co/GGARIJQkmJ
@ernestleungmt @Andrew_Levidis The 東亜経済調査局 really kept up with the most recent trends! Sadly they didn’t reproduce Neurath’s interesting figures: https://t.co/DGo0915aEQ See the https://t.co/XeCgeQDPZA link below for the figures in the original. https://t.co/VvSfjvt3VT
@kumashirokeishi @dambaras As Hirai notes in her book『日本占領とジェンダー』and in this article for ジェンダー史学 (https://t.co/RGF7IOmPBN), when Konoe called on Saka, he found in him someone who had the technical know-how to set up such facilities from during the war. That experience made RAA possible. https://t.co/9L71a2h3Gb https://t.co/Dz1luOYxoJ

5 0 0 0 OA 労働調査報告

This 1924 report on the ‘Korean Labourer Issue’ from the Research Office of Social Bureau of Osaka City contains much data on imperial labour dyanmics. Note how the max. wage for a Korean workman is still below the min. wage for his Japanese counterpart: https://t.co/dDa43SD6W2 https://t.co/6b9SB8pUt2
@SayakaChatani @chabarera I’ve recently come across these interesting-looking books too: https://t.co/pvA1kGJAO2 https://t.co/CKLhs0tOyB https://t.co/AmevZzG6sw
@SayakaChatani @chabarera I’ve recently come across these interesting-looking books too: https://t.co/pvA1kGJAO2 https://t.co/CKLhs0tOyB https://t.co/AmevZzG6sw

10 0 0 0 OA 福沢全集

@Andrew_Levidis Continuing with the 福沢 comparison — in the Q&A, I believe you mentioned the idea of exporting 明治維新 to China, which is something 福沢 hints at here, though he seems to have wavered between East Asian development through independence vs. invasion. https://t.co/GWGsIhUSMN https://t.co/HQJYATBSLi
Thanks for that insightful talk, @Andrew_Levidis! Hearing you describe what the New China meant to 津久井, I was struck by the continuity of it all, reminded as I was of 福沢諭吉, who too saw a mirror on the continent, reflecting back Japan’s former self! https://t.co/BTiVXps7t5 https://t.co/yQEcwTSe2E
@Andrew_Levidis @ernestleungmt It’s interesting that Kishi published 『日本戦時経済の進む途』(https://t.co/oeHonT4B2c) the same year and it has a preface by Kojima and he says they’re buddies! Perhaps it was a coordinated one-two punch?
@Andrew_Levidis @ernestleungmt I found a policy brief he wrote for Kishi! https://t.co/PrfUd37eeH https://t.co/6ZxwAe3JFf
@Andrew_Levidis @ernestleungmt Re: Kojima's assistants, this preface to a 1934 volume (https://t.co/y7qu0rhx2b) published under the research bureau's name lists 中村金治 and 山浦満輝南 (?). I've scoured the net and found these alumni too: 森山茂樹、稲葉四郎、高峻石、島田千代丸. Behind a prolific man, a team! https://t.co/9tFYz6ZA6r

4 0 0 0 OA 国都新京案内

I managed to find a photograph of the Industry Bureau (https://t.co/gt4l7p7aBy) and a map of Hsinking (https://t.co/475RHyhhU0) on which I've noted the bureau's location (in red) in relation to the imperial palace (in purple) and other government buildings (in orange). https://t.co/qC4XKIULqq https://t.co/LosXKgV4tU

1 0 0 0 OA 地方の婦人へ

@chabarera Nice! When I was reading up on voluntary associations in prewar Japan, I came across mentions of these divers. It seems that the Young Women’s Association had a not insignificant role in organising them, at least from the Taisho era onwards: https://t.co/YI7BheFKBM https://t.co/VBGZeiQeze
In this speech from 1914, Goto Shinpei opines that the Japanese rule of Taiwan was initially a failure because his predecessors had emulated the way the French ruled Algeria, whereas he and Kodama had created a policy tailored to their specific situation: https://t.co/dBv5JANduL https://t.co/UJ4S3EKL61
@SharonDomier @ernestleungmt This is worth checking out: https://t.co/jTedLzP6Km
@linkhoeva @andybliu The chapter on tea is a revised version of this 2012 article: https://t.co/ZlK6vtCRS0 The book adds, among other things, this lovely poster! I was fascinated by the role Кя́хта played in the trade, so I dug and found this article on the barter trade there! https://t.co/tWieC5KBV3 https://t.co/6I5UwXgzae
@_niten @AllanRicharz @AmbroiseVelvet You're both correct. Japan signed treaties (known collectively as 安政五カ国条約) with those five powers, ending her seclusion, but four (英米仏蘭) renegotiated theirs after waging 下関戦争 together and the revised agreement (改税約書) was signed in 1866: https://t.co/a68pOULYSq
The original can be found here: https://t.co/dJgoDNytZ0 Damn, I hate kanbun. Ottoman-Turkish is probably worse, though. https://t.co/oIQnjXbFjA


中公でそこまでヤクい本とか出てくる?と検索したら、本当に約50年前の論文で八母音がバッサリ否定されてた。 #今日の論文 『上代日本語のいわゆる八母音について』 (昭和五十一年五月十二日 提出) https://t.co/9oYQAWMTTk https://t.co/vXUrOrmyYe https://t.co/hZvCH3Uwqp
@Koji_hist すでにご存知かと思いますが、イングランド史の文脈ですと那須先生のこのまとめが日本語では最良と、修士の頃から伺っております。 https://t.co/SEsvRiM1Qa

136 0 0 0 OA 異魚図賛

Have you ever seen such unique fish? These drawings from Igyo Zusan were made by Kurimoto Tanshu (1756-1834), who served the Edo Shogunate as a doctor. #ndldigital https://t.co/pNNh6eHjL3 https://t.co/vwmE21wQhm
科研費若手研究。史料整理からのスタートですが、いずれ戦後政治外交史(占領政策、賠償・補償問題)に貢献できるかなぁしたいなぁと思っています。 https://t.co/CFQrefxHEg
@B4Btv Reminds me of this funky translation of Nietzsche's "Zarathustra" as a Pure Land sutra I came across while trying to trace how "The Birth of Tragedy" got into Mishima Yukio's hands (and became his favorite book). Wonder if it's discussed. https://t.co/zLFGWMVI6D
『俗解絵入瀛環史略和解』。これか。 https://t.co/zM218tEvBU
『立教大学日本学研究所年報』20号(2021年)に「卒業論文題目からみた近代歴史学の歩み : 東京帝国大学国史学科1905-1944の事例報告」を発表しました。レポジトリでPDFをご覧いただけます。データが膨大なので間違いなどあると思います。ご指摘いただけると助かります。https://t.co/WOmrAv2TVz
@B4Btv 私たちの研究グループだと、明治期の財政は村松さんが一番お詳しいはずですhttps://t.co/r0Vr3AA0U7
My paper on the hitherto unknown Chinese translation of the bodhisattva precepts of the Bodhisattvabhūmi is out. https://t.co/VDiBMHI4zu In this study, I compare 4 Chinese versions, the Khotanese translation, and the surviving Sanskrit tradition of the bodhisattva precepts
【書評】佐々木剛二『移民と徳――日系ブラジル知識人の歴史民族誌』 『ラテンアメリカ・レポート』に掲載(第37巻第2号、2021年1月、アジア経済研究所発行、近田亮平氏評)。 *書評⇒ https://t.co/wIkEl0lDes *詳細⇒ https://t.co/kLiJh88JMw https://t.co/RUjw37jepL
Super helpful English caption: "The Seion oyobi Daku-on" || [ザ・]清音及濁音 < 1914 四國對照 南洋語自在 @ https://t.co/vMtpzVxJLS (w/thx to @Laichar1!) https://t.co/mYzRaQCTh5

3 0 0 0 OA 人民必携

面白いスレッド。 少し調べてみると、1873年の『人民必携』という書に「脱籍無産」という文字があり、無産の右側に「ムサン」、左側に「ムカゲウ」のルビがある。ムカゲウとは無稼業で、明治初期に無産とは仕事がないという意味だったよう。 https://t.co/ToRaeW0Ulb
山本圭さんのこの論文、久しぶりに読み直してみると、再発見があって面白かった。:「真珠採りは何を欲するか―アーレントにおける自由の遡及的性格と複数性」https://t.co/WJk6whaAdl これは2007年の論文だけど、アーレントの意志論については未だに決定的な研究が出ていないように思いますね。

