Prof. Dr. Michael Hö (Si (@medievalchina)


RT @NDLJP_en: An excerpt from the first Japanese translation of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland published in early 20c. The name Alice is…
RT @NDLJP_en: A woodblock print from a collection of illustrations by Kawasaki Kyosen, an artist who drew traditional toys from all around…

28 0 0 0 OA 武蔵百景

RT @NDLJP_en: Look at the people in the early Meiji era. Kobayashi Kiyochika, one of the last ukiyoe artists, depicts various scenes of the…
RT @NDLJP_en: There were many delicious and popular foods in the Edo period. This is a part of a sugoroku (board game) which shows you rest…
Does anyone here have access to the following book? 竹内, 洋介,《唐代「牛李黨爭」關係研究文獻目録 (1927~2010年) : ⋯⋯》 東洋大學アジア文化研究所,2011. #CiNii
Does anyone have access to「文学復古」と「文学革命」by 木山英雄? There is a link to the NDL's digital copy, but then it says この資料は、著作権の保護期間中であるか、著作権の確認が済んでいない資料のためインターネット公開をしていません。 #CiNii

90 0 0 0 OA 平天儀

RT @NDLJP_en: Heitengi (a kind of astrolabe) is a quick-reference chart for the paths of the sun, moon, and stars. The author Iwahashi Yosh…

34 0 0 0 OA (表紙)

RT @NDLJP_en: A series of #yokai paintings by #ukiyoe artist #TsukiokaYoshitoshi, who had a lifelong passion for yokai paintings. You can s…


拙稿と拙著『南北朝時代』6 第3章130頁で、北魏が西北地方の中下級官僚に諸部族の領袖などを登用して取り込みを図った、と書きました。その根拠が州や将軍府の属僚について分析した拙稿「北魏後半期の州府僚佐ー「山公寺碑」を中心に」(『東洋学報』91-2、2009)です。

