Das (@shivadas29)


ever wondered the maximum tolerable MgO dose by CKD patients ? (A/egfr) https://t.co/VU83PzmtcO https://t.co/CWvRk48AJr
Rosuvastatin 2.5mg vs Pitavastatin 1-2mg monotherapy 1yr TL,DR ? it was Rosuvastatin FTW https://t.co/PdL0T4kcfa https://t.co/8xZrw8H1gF
RT @NutritionMadeS3: new study: ApoB better predictor of CAC progression than LDL-c *even when* results adjusted for HDL-c/BMI/diabetes etc…
@sofiacondes @TyRBeal " The Affordable Nutri- tion Index (ANI) pointed to beans, eggs, nuts, potatoes, carrots, citrus fruit and milk as examples of healthy affordable foods in the US food supply. " https://t.co/LpZroYOTVo https://t.co/dbvhD0HChK


Association of Protein and Magnesium Intake with Prevalence of Prefrailty and Frailty in Community-Dwelling Older Japanese Women (open access) https://t.co/x7LrRm24aD #nutrition #diet #protein #magnesium

