瀧澤 純 山下 利之
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.3, pp.343-352, 2013-09-01

When people make inference about other's mental state, they refer as an anchor to<br> privileged information which they know and other doesn't know, thereafter they make<br> adjustment from the anchor to shared information which they know and other know.<br> When adjustment are insufficiently, they use more privileged information, and have<br> more egocentric biases. The purpose of the present study is to examine whether or not<br> considering an anchor could affect strength of egocentric biases. Participants read a<br> story about an e-mail sent from a person to another person and then the participants<br> were asked to infer mental state of recipient. In Experiment 1, participants were asked<br> to make a considering privileged information before making an inference. In Experi-<br>ment 2, cognitive load were operated, participants made an inference under a condition<br> prevented conscious cognitive process. These results showed that participants who con-<br>sidered privileged information had more egocentric biases. These results are discussed<br> cognitive processes controlling use of privileged information.


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