岡 耕平
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.1, pp.45-61, 2014

Some people with pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) can hardly express their<br> own thoughts in language. Sometimes, they have been considered as a communication<br> disorder. However, since the word "communication" is usually defied as an interaction<br> between at least two persons, it is doubtful to attribute problems happened within a<br> particular communication to one side. In this study, I collected text data from a mi-<br>croblog of one person who has been diagnosed as PDD and having difficulty to express<br> her own thoughts in language, in order to investigate how the microblog had changed<br> the way of communications. The results of the text data analysis showed that the par-<br>ticipant expressed what she wanted to say by referring and utilizing remarks of others.<br> The possibility and implications of removing the difficulties from their communication<br> through the process of "curation" was discussed.
細馬 宏通
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.1, pp.113-124, 2014

Recent studies of interaction research have revealed that mind in the interaction is<br> embodied in gesture in the material world as the interaction resource. In this study,<br>we research interaction of turning pages each other when they decide the order of the<br> restaurant. Using a virtual menu with 6 pages, 2 participants in the experiment decided<br> to take one dish for each one for each page. Focusing on when and how the partici-<br>pants turn each page, we found that both participants touch or follow the page when<br> it was turned in 64/135 cases. The timing of the turning is organized not only by their<br> utterance of announcing their order but also the body movement of page manipulation.<br> They used the spatio-temporal pattern of page manipulation such as moving their hand<br> from the center to the edge of the page or lifting the edge of the page slightly. These<br> pre-sequences of turning pages, which were step by step process of sequential move-<br>ments with pauses and were embodied with material world of the page structure, seem<br> to project the next movement of page manipulation to prepare the simultaneous page<br> turning by the participants.
Naoyoshi Matsuda Masaki O. Abe
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.29, no.4, pp.587-594, 2022-12-01 (Released:2022-12-15)

Imitation-inhibition training, requiring the inhibition of automatic imitative tendencies, has been proposed to enhance self-other distinction. Previous studies have demonstrated the effect of imitation-inhibition training in the improvement of one’s ability to not only understand others’ visual perspectives but also to empathize with them. We investigated the relationship between training and empathy in the recognition of others’ emotional states. All participants were trained on the first day and completed the self-reported empathy and facial expression recognition task the next day. The task consisted of a facial mimicry restricted block and an unrestricted block. In the restricted block, participants had to hold chopsticks horizontally with their mouths, which interfered with facial mimicry. The facial muscle activity and facial stimuli of participants were different in the restricted block. We found that imitation-inhibition training increased self-reported empathy. With respect to facial expression recognition, the performance of the control group declined due to interference with facial mimicry, while that of the imitation-inhibition training group did not. These results suggest that imitation-inhibition training increases self-reported empathy and allows for a similar level of recognition of others’ emotional states, regardless of discrepancies between the condition of self and others.
山内 肇 小林 司朗 岡ノ谷 一夫
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.19, no.4, pp.418-433, 2012-12-01 (Released:2014-10-31)

In this article, we report the differences in eye movement between experts and novices in “Mind Map,” a graphical note-taking method. Using a total of six different mind maps, we examine how subjects' eye movements followed the basic structure of each Mind Map stimulus. Each subject was asked to comprehend the content of the mindmaps on a display. By using an eye-tracker built into the display, we were able to obtain both subjects’ gaze information and eye-movements without restraining their natural observing behavior. Our findings indicate that while novices observe the mind map on a branch-to-branch basis, as if they were following the note-taking process itself, experts first browse key information located around the central image of the note, then move onto more detailed content. That is, while novice Mind Mappers thoroughly scan entire branches attached to a trunk, and then shift their attention to the next trunk, experienced Mind Mappers first browse the trunk, possibly to obtain a general idea of what the mind map is about, then shift their attention to detailed branches. This appears as though they were spontaneously building their own table-of-contents.
Mike Oaksford
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.29, no.3, pp.327-330, 2022-09-01 (Released:2022-09-15)
Yohtaro Takano Takashi Yagyu
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.28, no.2, pp.271-281, 2021-06-01 (Released:2021-06-15)

Foreign language side effect (FoLSE) refers to a temporary decline of thinking ability while nonproficient foreign language is being used. This decline is produced by stronger interference between thinking and a heavier cognitive load of foreign language processing. Although FoLSE was shown to occur in laboratories, it may not occur in daily verbal communication when thinking is accompanied by inner language. The reason is as follows: In general, the more similar two concurrent cognitive tasks, the stronger their mutual interference. Inner language is usually experienced as effortless native language. When outer language used in verbal communication is native language, it is more similar to inner native language. Therefore, outer native language is expected to produce stronger interference with inner native language involved in thinking, and thus could produce a larger reduction in thinking performance. This larger reduction due to outer native language may cancel out the reduction due to outer foreign language (FoLSE). To examine this possibility, Japanese college students performed verbal and thinking tasks concurrently in two dual-task experiments. The verbal task was presented in either Japanese (native language) or English (foreign language). The thinking task was always presented in Japanese (native language). Past empirical studies strongly suggested that inner language should be evoked in the employed thinking tasks (i.e., validity judgment on categorical syllogism and intelligence test problems that loaded heavily on verbal factors of intelligence). The results revealed that performance in the thinking task was lower when the verbal task was presented in the foreign language. This means that FoLSE was stronger than the interference between the inner and outer native language. It follows that FoLSE is likely to occur in daily verbal communication as well even when it is accompanied by inner language.
松浦 李恵 岡部 大介 大石 紗織
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.22, no.2, pp.268-281, 2015

This paper analyzes the relationship between participation and learning represented<br> in ethnographic case studies of ten informants aged 23-59 participating in a common-<br>based peer production site, the FabLab Kamakura community. Digital-based personal<br> fabrication is a new wave culture of mavens, who are devoted to alternatives to mass<br>production, and are on a mission "to make (almost) anything". FabLab Kamakura is a<br> valuable venue for exchanging information about, for example, digital tools, Arduino,<br>crafts, textiles, and so on. First we frame this work as an effort to think about their<br> participation and learning using the concept of "wildfire activity theory"(Engeström,<br>2009) and "legitimate peripheral participation (LPP)"from Lave and Wenger (1991).<br> Then we argue an overview of FabLab culture in Japan and at FabLab Kamakura. Us-<br>ing SCAT methodology (Otani, 2011), we group our findings in two different categories:<br>(1) learning through participation in FabLab Kamakura, (2) the visualization of weak<br>ties and mobility through participation in wildfire activities. We conclude that partic-<br>ipants at FabLab Kamakura are producing and designing available artifacts for their<br> lives and works, and in doing so, what they are designing is the physical manifestation<br> of their very thoughts.
松浦 李恵 岡部 大介
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.1, pp.141-154, 2014

This paper analyzes the relationship between agencies and artifacts represented in<br> ethnographic case studies of ten female informants aged 20–25 participating in the cos-<br>play community. Cosplay is a female-dominated niche subculture of extreme fans and<br> mavens, who are devoted to dressing up as characters from manga, games, and anime.<br> "Cosplayers" are highly conscious of quality standards for costumes, makeup, and ac-<br>cessories. Cosplay events and dedicated SNSs for cosplayers are a valuable venue for<br> exchanging information about costume making. First we frame this work as an effort<br> to think about their agencies using the concept of hybrid collective and activity theory.<br> Then we share an overview of cosplay culture in Japan and our methodologies based on<br> interviews and fieldwork. Using SCAT (Otani, 2011) methodology, we group our find-<br>ings in two different categories: (1) Cosplayers' agencies and relationships with others<br> mediated by usage of particular artifacts, (2) Cosplayers agencies visualized through<br> socio-artificial scaffolding and collective achievement. We conclude that cosplayers are<br> producing and standardizing available artifacts for their cosplay objects, and in doing<br> so, they are designing their agencies. We consider that the activities like them are one<br> appearance we can observe in the other our mundane communities not apply only to<br> cosplay one. Not only to cosplay, however we consider that these kinds of activities<br> apply to other mundane communities.
野村 亮太 岡田 猛
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.2, pp.226-244, 2014

How do expert storytelling artists captivate audiences with a single performance? In<br/> study 1, we observed the eyeblink responses of expertized 7 of 20 audience members<br/> (10 male and 10 female, aged 16 to 67 years; <i>M </i>=40<i>.</i>6, <i>SD </i>=16<i>.</i>4) at the performance<br/> of two professional story-telling Rakugo artists. With using a surrogate data method,<br/>the statistically significant synchronization of eyeblinks among audience members was<br/> detected when performers changed scenes and characters and immediately after the<br/> performer delivered words essential to the understanding of the story. In study 2, we<br/> conducted a laboratory experiment with 32 (19 male and 13 female) participants aged<br/> 20 to 34 years (<i>M </i>=22<i>.</i>56, <i>SD </i>=2<i>.</i>85) to examine whether the expertise of the story-<br/>teller affected the frequency and intensity of synchronization of eyeblinks by recording<br/> each participant's eyeblinks. The synchronization of eyeblinks was also detected in this<br/> study that each participant viewed videotapes alone, which eliminated potential au-<br/>dience interaction. The participants who were assigned to the watching a videotaped<br/> performance of an expert storyteller displayed frequent synchronized eyeblinks and had<br/> a higher score of transportation into the narrative world of Rakugo compared to those<br/> were assigned to watch a videotaped performance of a novice. These results imply<br/> that expert performers gain a listener's unintentional process of attention as well as<br/> somatic-emotional responses, evidenced by synchronized eyeblinks.
Steven Phillips
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.28, no.1, pp.11-24, 2021-03-01 (Released:2021-03-15)

What can category theory contribute to cognitive science? We argue that the category theory principle of construction via a universal mapping property affords a significant contribution. Such universal constructions explain why, not just how cognition is systematic/compositional, i.e. the “best” one can do in the given context. The significance of this principle is indicated by examples.
清水 大地 岡田 猛
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.4, pp.421-438, 2013-12-01 (Released:2014-12-24)

This paper aims to study the creative process of collaborative improvisation, which has rarely been the subject of cognitive science research. The special focus is on how a dancer’s improvisational process is influenced by another dancer’s performance. Bat-tle performances of street dance are chosen as the target performances of this study and contrasted with solo performances, because in battle situations dancers have to generate their original expressions in a highly improvised manner. We conducted an experimental study, aiming to investigate both the cognitive process of dancers and the characteristic features of their dance performances. The three main results are as follows: 1) The generation frequency of new dance movements was not different be-tween solo and battle dance performances. 2) The generation process of a dancer’s new dance movements was influenced by another dancer’s performance. In the battle per-formances, dancers generated new dance movements by combining several movements that they had already acquired, while they generated new movements by only changing some parts of their acquired dance movements in the solo performances. 3) In the battle performances, as distinct from the solo dance performances, dancers generated their dance movements by adopting movements of another dancers and changing the structures of their movements. These features resulted in differences in the processes of generating new patterns.
Eve Sweetser
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.3, no.3, pp.3_75-3_86, 1996-08-31 (Released:2008-10-03)

Previous work has shown that there are a number of SUBJECTIVE uses of change predicates; in Sweetser (1996) I suggested some generalizations about which English change predicates are open to such extended interpretations, which do not involve an actual change of an individual entity (Matsumoto (1996a, b) has made interesting generalizations about Japanese change predicates). This paper analyzes another subjective use of change predicates, one where not the subject of the change predicate, but the scale or standard of comparison, is the entity which is interpreted as changing. For example, a professor who is getting older and keeps on teaching 20-year-old students might say, “The students keep getting younger every year.” In fact, not the students' age, but the professor's evaluative scale is changing as the professor ages. I propose an analysis of these usages in terms of mental space structure and figure-ground reversal.
髙木 幸子 平松 沙織 田中 章浩
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.3, pp.344-362, 2014

This study aims to further examine the cross-cultural differences in multisensory emo-<br>tion perception between Western and East Asian people. In this study, we recorded<br> the audiovisual stimulus video of Japanese actors saying neutral phrase with one of the<br> basic emotions. Then we conducted a validation experiment of the stimuli. In the first<br> part (facial expression), participants watched a silent video of actors and judged what<br> kind of emotion the actor is expressing by choosing among 6 options (i.e., happiness,<br>anger, disgust, sadness, surprise, and fear). In the second part (vocal expression), they<br> listened to the audio part of the same videos without video images while the task was<br> the same. We analyzed their categorization responses based on accuracy and confusion<br> matrix, and discussed the tendency of emotion perception by Japanese.
遠山 紗矢香
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.2, pp.177-203, 2013-06-01

In order for students to constructively interact for rebuilding their own thoughts with<br> peers, they should hold initial understanding of a topic before starting a discussion. The<br> initial understanding should consist of both concrete evidence and abstract summaries<br> that can be re-related to each other in discussion. This paper analyzed the effect<br> of scaffolding for constructing initial understandings in university. "Question-Answer<br> Tool" (Q-A tool) was provided to help students to extract structural elements such<br> as theme, experiment procedure, results, implications, and assertions from research<br> findings about cognitive science for a collaborative learning called"Dynamic Jigsaw. "<br>Students explain research findings to each other and summarize multiple research find-<br>ings with their colleagues in the Dynamic Jigsaw. "ReCoNote" was also provided for<br> students. It imports the extracted elements into each student's concept map to support<br> making relations among the elements. We compared 19 students who were supported<br> by the Q-A tool and ReCoNote in 2004 and 17 students who were only supported by ReCoNote in 2003 using design experiment paradigms to measure the effect of the Q-A<br> tool. All the concept maps and three explanations about research findings per group<br> were analyzed. The Q-A tool-supported students could describe implications and asser-<br>tions with appropriate evidence in their concept maps. In contrast, the non-supported<br> students could refer to evidence but not implications or assertions. Furthermore, the Q-<br>A tool-supported students described their original advanced implications drawn from<br> the research findings through making relations between the structural elements and<br> their original thoughts, and prepared summaries using two of the research findings by<br> comparing and relating the two research findings' structural elements in constructive<br>interaction with peers.
瀧澤 純 山下 利之
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.3, pp.343-352, 2013-09-01

When people make inference about other's mental state, they refer as an anchor to<br> privileged information which they know and other doesn't know, thereafter they make<br> adjustment from the anchor to shared information which they know and other know.<br> When adjustment are insufficiently, they use more privileged information, and have<br> more egocentric biases. The purpose of the present study is to examine whether or not<br> considering an anchor could affect strength of egocentric biases. Participants read a<br> story about an e-mail sent from a person to another person and then the participants<br> were asked to infer mental state of recipient. In Experiment 1, participants were asked<br> to make a considering privileged information before making an inference. In Experi-<br>ment 2, cognitive load were operated, participants made an inference under a condition<br> prevented conscious cognitive process. These results showed that participants who con-<br>sidered privileged information had more egocentric biases. These results are discussed<br> cognitive processes controlling use of privileged information.
張 寓杰 寺井 あすか 董 媛 王 月 中川 正宣
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.4, pp.439-469, 2013

This study, at first, constructs a computational model of inductive reasoning based<br> on the probabilistic concept structure estimated by the statistical analysis of large scale<br> Chinese language data. In order to examine the efficiency of the model, which has al-<br>ready been certified about the Japanese language (Sakamoto & Nakagawa 2008, 2010),<br>the study verifies the validity of the model using the psychological experiment. The<br> new computational model of inductive reasoning is constructed based on the statistical<br> analysis of extended Japanese language data, including not only the news paper articles<br> but also literature. The validity of the model is then verified using the psychological<br> experiment.<br> Furthermore, from the comparison between simulation results of both models, the<br> study examines the hypothesis that the inductive reasoning process does not necessar-<br>ily depend on the individual language system. Finally, through the detailed comparison<br> between the results of both models, the commonality and difference between both cul-<br>tures and social systems hidden in the back of both languages is discussed.
縣 拓充 岡田 猛
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 = Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.1, pp.27-45, 2013-03-01

Creative activities are becoming increasingly important in modern society. Studies<br> have been conducted to promote understanding and support of creative experts in var<br>ious creative domains such as art, music, science, and technology. At the same time, it<br> has also been pointed out that many ordinary citizens do not have opportunities to par<br>ticipate in creative activities and do not have knowledge about creative processes and<br> methods. Does this mean that citizens should be just consumers of creative products?<br> In this paper, we claim that a creative society needs not only creative experts who<br> professionally participate in creative activities, but also 'people with creative literacy'<br>who understand creative activities and enjoy participating in such activities in their<br> daily life. We discuss practices to cultivate people's understanding of and motivation<br> for creative activities, and the ways that cognitive science can contribute to the support<br> of such practices.
土倉 英志
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.1, pp.155-172, 2014

Many cognitive scientists have studied people's use of tools and artifacts, in other<br> words, resources. However, there are two features of resources that have not been ad-<br>dressed by cognitive scientists. The first is the configuration of resources. Resources<br> do not exist scatteredly; they exist in an order. Actions are organized in accordance<br> with the order of resources. Therefore, it is important to consider the configuration of<br> resources when studying people's actions in everyday life. The second feature that has<br> not been addressed is that people arrange resources in their environment to conduct<br> everyday life and work well. To clarify the features supporting everyday life based on<br> these two points, I believe that it is important to examine the adjusted relationship<br> between actions and resources and its attendant developmental processes. Therefore, I<br> propose a perspective called the development of functional systems. Functional systems<br> consist of actions and resources; the relationship between actions and resources adjust<br> as time progresses. I call this process of change in the relationship between actions and<br> resources the development of functional systems. Based on this proposal, I examine the<br> theme of human agency, learning, and child development from the perspective of the<br> development of functional systems. At the end, I discuss the limitations of this paper<br> and suggest directions for future research.