田中 ひかる
大阪教育大学紀要. I, 人文科学 (ISSN:03893448)
vol.52, no.1, pp.21-38, 2003-09

従来アナーキズムは, 政治思想および政治運動として論じられることが多かったが, それ以外の領域への影響に関する検討は, いまだ不十分である。たしかに近年では, 芸術家とアナーキストとの関係, とりわけ新印象派画家とアナーキストの関係について研究が蓄積されてきた。ただしそこでは, 画家がアナーキズムの政治的側面にではなく個人主義的主張に関心を抱いた, と論じられてきた。だが本稿で筆者は, 近年の研究に依拠しながら, アナーキズムと関わった画家の思想や作品には, 政治的なアナーキズム思想を確認できる場合もあること, および, 画家たちの主張において個人主義的アナーキズムはきわめて政治的性格を帯びていた, という点を指摘する。This paper is the critical survey of recent studies on the relationship between artists and anarchism. Previous studies argued as follows: 1) many well-known Neo-Impressionist artists contributed their works to the periodicals of anarchist movement. However such works were very few and not anarchistic; 2) for many artists anarchism represented `a general attitude to life' rather than a specific theory about society. Such individualistic anarchism was not political theory, but a sort of extreme individualism. My research, however, conclude otherwise. By closely analyzing the studies on Neo-Impressionist artists and modern artists, I demonstrate following points: 1) in some works which artists contributed to anarchist periodicals can be found evident anarchistic and political feature which many scholars overlooked. Such anarchistic feature could be found more easily in other political paintings, if scholars analyze the anarchist literature more thoroughly; 2) the individualistic ideas of modern artists in the United States were very political. They demanded the absolute freedom of their consciousness and expression, and rebelled against the conservative American academy. This led them to stand for the anarchistic utopia in which their artistic ideal should be realized. Meanwhile, anarchists found that such rebellious movement of modern artists could be one of revolutionary factors which help the outbreak of social revolution. To overcome the difficulty to find the anarchistic feature in abstract modern art, further study will be required on the anarchist ideology which had great influence on modern artists.


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こんな論文どうですか? 芸術家とアナーキズムとの関係についての一考察 : 19世紀末から第一次世界大戦前まで(田中 ひかる),2003 https://t.co/fjKc5vX7Du

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