遠藤 利彦
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.32, pp.203-220, 1993-03-30

Many theorists suggest that an individual's past relationship experiences with his or her own parents are carried forward and reenacted in subsequent relationships, especially present relationships established with his or her own children. This notion of intergenerational transmission of caregiver-child relationships originated in psychoanalytic theories, and later came to be explored in association with child-maltreatment, attachment, and so on. Bowlby postulated that children internalize their transactional patterns with caregivers and construct representational models, i. e. "internal working models", of self and other in attachment relationships, and that these models, used to perceive and appraise informations and to plan future actions, then govern relationship patterns with others. Currently Bowlby's concept of "internal working models" offers a new framework for understanding intergenerational transmission of attachment relationships. In this paper, a wide variety of theoretical, clinical, and empirical studies concerning this theme were reviewed, and, in addition, directions for continued research were discussed.


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