新里 孝和 諸見里 秀宰
琉球大学農学部学術報告 (ISSN:03704246)
no.19, pp.503-557, 1972-12

In the present paper history, location (northern part of Okinawa Is., Latitude N. 26°45′and Longitude E. 128°05′), area (about 679ha.), topography and climate ofYona experimental forest of University of the Ryukyusare given in brief description. As the result of a survey on the basis of six quadrats and six belt transects, it was recognized that forest vegetation of the experimental forest is mostly consists of Castanopsis sieboldii association, and the most frequent co-dominant species is Distylium racemosum The number of family, genus and species (among the number 4 subspecies, 21 varieties and 4 forms are included) of the trees and shrubs indigenous to the experimental forest are 58,121 and 191 respectively.


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