梶井 一暁
鳴門教育大学研究紀要. 教育科学編 (ISSN:13434403)
vol.18, pp.13-29, 2003-03-07

The present this writer started case studies on the development of elementary school education of rural Japan in the modern period making use of the record of GAKKOUENKAKUSHI. This paper taking up a case of Shimogurose-village is its first report. GAKKOUENKAKUSHI owned by Shimogurose elementary school in Kurose-town Kamo-district Hiroshima-prefecture is a file of about three hundred and fifty sheets of paper and written about laws and regulations regarding education and events in its school from 19^<th> century onwards in chronological form. Its GAKKOUENKAKUSHI consists of the following four parts. The first is history of organization, the second is history of staff, the third is history of government office director and administrator, the fourth is history of schoolhouse. This paper focuses on four problems concerned with the process of establishment of elementary school education in Shimogurose-village as a farm village: (l) the course of elementary school education in the early Meiji period, (2) the local finance and school management, (3) the elementary school attendance and epidemics, (4) the relationship between elementary school and villagers. Attempting to analize these problems, particularly such a case as Shimogurose-village that historical documents on educational administration was scattered and lost, we should regard GAKKOUENKAKUSHI of the same kind as important.


教えて!goo (1 users, 1 posts)

再々度、追加投稿失礼致しますm(_&quot;_)m 焦点の絞れない=纏まりのない断片情報の垂れ流しの連続投稿に、 苦虫を噛み潰していらっしゃるかもしれませんが、 おぼろ気ながら私なりに輪郭が見えてきたように思います^^ >例えば明治政府は、積極的に「日の丸」を国民に周知徹底したのですか。 少なくとも明治前期は積極的とまでは言えず、 一部の府県(ただし、当時は中央政府の地 ...

OKWave (1 users, 1 posts)

再々度、追加投稿失礼致しますm(_&quot;_)m 焦点の絞れない=纏まりのない断片情報の垂れ流しの連続投稿に、 苦虫を噛み潰していらっしゃるかもしれませんが、 おぼろ気ながら私なりに輪郭が見えてきたように思います^^ >例えば明治政府は、積極的に「日の丸」を国民に周知徹底したのですか。 少なくとも明治前期は積極的とまでは言えず、 一部の府県(ただし、当時は中央政府の地方 ...

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