遠藤 芳信
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.15, pp.147-163, 1976-03-30

The "Military Drill" in this treatise means an education and a drill that the man except for the army enforces the education and drill of the action, technique and knowledge of the battle irfthe army to involve the peculiar object and the educational meaning respectively. What "the man except for the army enforces to involve the peculiar object and the educational meaning" had been enforced, historically, in the sense of the line in the chain of the military preparatory education, first, and the National Education and the Formation of the People, especially, the moral and spiritual building, or the gumnastic, second. As rules for teachiing and a teaching syllabus to come under the category of the above of the "Military Drill" in the school education in Japan, we had had the Particulars of the Army Gumnastic of the Common Middle School in 1886, be for 1910 s, and the Drill in the Teaching Syllabus of the School Gumnastic in 1913 and the Teaching Syllabus of the Drill in 1925, since 1910 s, for example. The "Military Drill" in Japan had aimed at the National Education and the Formation of the People consistently. And, if we analyze the contents and methods of the "Military Drill", firstly we must research into the means of the Formation of the People that the contents and methods of the "Military Drill" involve, and especially we must research into the relation of the combination on the human about the rule and obedience in the contents and methods of the "Military Drill", because, it be able to think that the intentional reletion of the combination on the human about the rule and obedience especially in the social relations is important to the formation of the people and their personalities. So, I will research into the relation of the combination on the human about the rule and obedience in the contents and methods of the "Military Drill". Well, if we begin to analyze the contents and methods of the "Military Drill", first we must investigate the drill regulations for the infantry by way of the base teaching materials of the Drill since 1910s, because, the Drill in the Teaching Syllabus of the School Gumnastic in 1913 had expressed clealy that "the Drill complies with the rules of the drill regulations for the infantry", for example. Namely, the "Military Drill" of the School Education in Japan had been baseed on the drill regulations for the infantry. And, the Drill in the Teaching Syllabus of the School Gumnastic in 1913 had complied with the Drill Regulations for the Infantry in 1909, meanwhile, the Drill Regulations for the Infantry in 1909 had played up the fundamental principle of the editing till the Drill Regulations for the Infantry in 1940. And, the Revision of the Drill Regulations for the Infantry in 1909 had been editied after the Russo-Japanese War. So, it is necessary for us to investigate the precept and battle on the Russo-Japanese War in the Japanese Army to analyze the Drill Regulations for the Infantry in 1909, and the contents and methods of the "Military Drill" since 1910 s. By reason of the above, in this treatise, I investigate some basic problems of the precept and the battle on the Russo-Japanese War in the Japanese Army together with the Drill Regulations for the Infantry in 1909 within the object of the analysis of the contents and methods of the "Military Drill" since 1910 s. At this time, it is exceedingly important for us to criticize the esteem of the mind and spiritual energy as fidtitious form that had been emphasised in the Japanese Army. And, I have tried to clarify that the Japanese Army had never set value on the mind and spiritual energy in their drill and the education in army. It was not the mind and spiritual energy but the force and violence that the Japanese Army had set value on. Namely, the Japanese Army had payed attention to the meanings of the Formation of the People that the contents and methods of the combination on the human about the rule and obedience (the limitless watch and interference toward the mind and thoughts, the control of the specific type of the action, the scorn of the personality in accordance with the force and violence, the distrust toward the soldier, the negation of the originality of the soldier) in the drill regulations for the infantry and the education in army bring to completion. And, the Military Authorities in Japan would have strengthened the poritical power of the domination in accordance with the magnification of the above Drill (and the Education in Army) throughout all the branch of the National Education, intentionally, and systematically, since the Russo-Japanese War.


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日露戦争の話なら遠藤芳信氏の研究が興味深かった。 http://t.co/6TKTv33Lnl 日露戦争と1909年歩兵操典改正 http://t.co/2CKfMvlC0I 歩兵操典の研究 : 明治42年歩兵操典の教育史的意義 『近代日本軍隊教育史研究』も参照するとよし。

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