玉瀬 耕治 脇本 真希子
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.52, no.1, pp.209-219, 2003-10-31

According to Doi (1971), AMAE (hopeful expectation of someone's indulgence and favor) is a concept that represents a typical cultural tendency in Japanese interpersonal relationship. The purpose of this study was to develop an AMAE scale for college students. In study 1, items that describe AMAE states in various ordinary inter-personal situations for college students were collected from reviewing previous studies on this topic and AMAERARE (acceptance of AMAE from others) items were also derived from the AMAE items. One hundred and twenty-two college students were asked to rate the AMAE and AMAERARE items on a 4-point rating scale. The factor analyses revealed that there were two factors for the AMAE subscale, that is, 7 items as TATE (vertical relationship) factor and 6 items as YOKO (horizontal relationship) factor. On the basis of the results of AMAE subscale, the AMAERARE subscale items were selected, that is, 7 TATE items and 4 YOKO items. Finally the AMAE full scale consisted of the AMAE subscale and the AMAERARE subscale. Cronbach's as for these scales were in between .80 and .87. The AMAE scale has no significant relationship with an assertion scale for adolescents (Tamase et al., 2001). In study 2, the relationship between AMAE and self-consciousness was examined using 196 different students from study 1 as raters. A self-consciousness rating scale (Sugawara, 1984) was used in this study. The results showed that there were low significant relationships between AMAE and public self-consciousness (r=.32) and between AMAERARE and private self-consciousness (r=.28). These results were discussed in terms of future use of the scale for multicultural study.


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