樋口 則英 一川 暢宏 嶺 豊春 中嶋 幹郎 平井 正巳 佐々木 均
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.30, no.6, pp.382-388, 2004-06-10
1 2

In recent years, computerized prescription order entry systems have played an increasingly important role in medical risk management as such systems have become more sophisticated. Though prescription order entry systems enable us to access huge amounts of information in drug information databases on drug interactions, adverse reactions and so forth, it is very difficult to manage such large amounts of information. Prescription order entry systems have a prescription checking function but the master maintenance must be done properly for it to work well. With this in mind, we developed an improved system using a commercially available program, PC-ORDERING 2000 (NEC Corp.), to make it easier to use the master maintenance screen of the order entry system. In order to investigate the resulting improvements we did the following : 1) measured the improvement in input efficiency, 2) evaluated the improvement in reference functions, 3) evaluated the improvement in file output functions and 4) made a comparison with the existing system. As a result, we found that the required maintenance time with the improved system was reduced to 66% and considered this to be very important to risk management since the prescription checking function in the order entry system had been enhanced.


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こんな論文どうですか? オーダリングシステムを利用したリスクマネジメントへの貢献 : 市販オーダリングパッケージシステムの薬剤関連マスタメンテナンス改良による効率化の検討(樋口則英ほか),2004 http://id.CiNii.jp/E3hmL
こんな論文どうですか? オーダリングシステムを利用したリスクマネジメントへの貢献 : 市販オーダリングパッケージシステムの薬剤関連マスタメンテナンス改良による効率化,2004 http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110001166816

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