日高 佑紀 森 大樹 吉 赫哲 川上 茂樹 一川 暢宏 有薗 幸司
環境と安全 (ISSN:18844375)
vol.5, no.1, pp.27-34, 2014-03-31 (Released:2014-05-16)

パーソナルケア製品に頻用されている合成香料は、脂溶性が高く、生体内に高濃度で濃縮されることが憂慮される。しかし、これらの環境汚染状況や生体影響への情報は少ない。今回、合成香料のうち、多環ムスク化合物である6-acetyl-1,1,2,4,4,7-hexamethyltetraline (AHTN) 及び1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydoro-4,6,6,7,8-hexam ethylcyclopenta-γ-2-benzopyran (HHCB) 並びにHHCB の代謝物HHCB-lactone、さらに[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8- octahydro-2,3,8,8,-tetramethylnaphtalen-2yl]ethan-1-one (OTNE) の下水処理場における挙動とその動態につ いて調査した。その結果、下水処理施設の流入水においてAHTN 2.3 µg/L、HHCB 4.8 µg/L、HHCB-lactone 1.2 µg/L、OTNE 5.4 µg/Lが検出され、放流水では、AHTN 0.7 µg/L、HHCB 0.9 µg/L、HHCB-lactone 0.9 µg/L、 OTNE 0.7 µg/Lの濃度で検出された。下水汚泥においてはAHTN 2.1~9.3 mg/kg、HHCB 3.9~11.7 mg/kg、HHCB-lactone 1.8~3.4 mg/kg、OTNE 2.0~9.3 mg/kgの範囲で検出された。下水汚泥の各処理過程においては、AHTN、HHCB及びOTNEが活性汚泥中で濃度が低下するのに対し、HHCB-lactoneは下水処理過程を通して濃 度の大きな変動は見られなかった。さらに、下水処理場からの多環ムスク化合物の環境への排出量は、流入量の約60 %が放流水及び下水汚泥として環境中へ放出されること、下水処理過程での分解消失率は流入量の除去率は40 %弱であることが判明した。
金子 尚文 中山 智洋 一川 暢宏
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.132, no.7, pp.849-853, 2012-07-01 (Released:2012-07-01)
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Antimicrobial agents occasionally cause certain adverse effects, such as diarrhea and loose stool, by altering the composition of the intestinal flora. Antibiotic-resistant lactic acid bacteria are used to prevent these adverse effects. Although these bacteria are not resistant to several recently introduced antimicrobial agents, bacterial preparations are still sometimes prescribed concomitantly with these antimicrobial agents. In this study, we investigated whether the administration of the spore-forming butyric acid bacteria Clostridium butyricum improves the adverse clinical effects by preventing diarrhea. Inhibition of C. butyricum growth was observed with 17 of the 20 antimicrobial agents used. However, dilution of 11 of these 17 agents resulted in the regrowth of C. butyricum. These results suggest that C. butyricum may survive exposure to several antibiotic agents by forming spores. Further, a decrease in the antimicrobial agent concentration in the gastrointestinal tract permits the vegetative growth of C. butyricum, which functions as a probiotic.
江頭 かの子 北原 隆志 柏木 香 樋口 則英 中嶋 幹郎 一川 暢宏 佐々木 均
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.126, no.11, pp.1155-1161, 2006-11-01 (Released:2006-11-01)
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Antimicrobial agents sometimes cause the adverse effects of diarrhea and loose stool. Antibiotic-resistant lactic acid bacteria are used to prevent these adverse effects. The bacteria are not resistant to several antimicrobial agents, although the bacterium preparations are sometimes prescribed the antimicrobial agents concomitantly. Therefore this paper reports that the minimal inhibitory concentration of three new antimicrobial agents against antibiotic-resistant lactic acid bacteria were determined using a microdilution method with cation-adjusted Mueller-Hinton broth. Furthermore, we investigated antimicrobial agents that are prescribed concomitantly with antibiotic-resistant lactic acid bacterium preparations or a clostridium butyricum preparation. The bacteria were susceptible to the three new antimicrobial agents. Approximately 50% of the bacterium preparations were prescribed alone, and 30% were prescribed concomitantly with antimicrobial agents that show antimicrobial activity against the bacteria. Consequently, we suggest that pharmacists need to confirm prescriptions and to provide more drug information on antibiotic-resistant lactic acid bacterium preparations.
樋口 則英 一川 暢宏 嶺 豊春 中嶋 幹郎 平井 正巳 佐々木 均
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.30, no.6, pp.382-388, 2004-06-10
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In recent years, computerized prescription order entry systems have played an increasingly important role in medical risk management as such systems have become more sophisticated. Though prescription order entry systems enable us to access huge amounts of information in drug information databases on drug interactions, adverse reactions and so forth, it is very difficult to manage such large amounts of information. Prescription order entry systems have a prescription checking function but the master maintenance must be done properly for it to work well. With this in mind, we developed an improved system using a commercially available program, PC-ORDERING 2000 (NEC Corp.), to make it easier to use the master maintenance screen of the order entry system. In order to investigate the resulting improvements we did the following : 1) measured the improvement in input efficiency, 2) evaluated the improvement in reference functions, 3) evaluated the improvement in file output functions and 4) made a comparison with the existing system. As a result, we found that the required maintenance time with the improved system was reduced to 66% and considered this to be very important to risk management since the prescription checking function in the order entry system had been enhanced.
坂口 裕子 平井 華 北川 理沙 小池 雄悟 正木 拓也 横井 正之 横井 裕子 一川 暢宏
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.41, no.1, pp.37-44, 2022-06-10 (Released:2022-06-21)

Introduction: This study aimed to determine the trends in the use of medicines that can affect the recognition function of patients aged ≧70 years. Since 2015 when the “Safe Drug Treatment Guidelines for the Elderly” was revised, these medicines are dispensed at a community pharmacy located in a satellite city. Methods: We compared the dispensing results from 2014 to 2015-2019 and investigated the ratio of prescriptions containing the medicines that can affect the recognition function using the clinical department and medicine type. Results: Prescriptions containing medicines that can affect recognition function have been on a downward trend since 2015. During this period, the number of medicines per prescription did not decrease, and the medicines that can affect recognition function were replaced with other medicines. On the other hand, no decrease in the number of medicines that can affect recognition function was observed in internal medicine. In medicine type, the ratio of benzodiazepines drugs decreased; however, it increased again in 2019. Conclusion: There was a decreasing trend in the use of medicines that can affect recognition function of the elderly in departments other than internal medicine after 2015.