友田 泰正
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.25, pp.185-195, 1970-10-10

The problem of this article is to determine the regional differences in college enrollment ratio and to explore the determinants of these differences. The determination of the college enrollment ratio in each prefecture is not easy because the data on the exact number of re-enrollment and on the statistical universe in each prefecture are not available. In this article, I tried to determine the college enrollment (and application) ratio by including the number of re-enrollment as far as the data are available and by defining the junior high school graduates of 1964 (and 1965) as a statistical universe. There is a large variability in application ratio from 43% of Tokyo to 11% of Aomori. Generally, highly urbanized prefectures such as Tokyo, Kanagawa, Aichi, Nara, Kyoto, Hyogo, Kagawa, and Hiroshima are high in the ratio. There is also a variability in the college enrollment ratio from 39% of Tokyo to 11% of Aomori. In order to explore the determinants of these regional differences, the following six factors were employed as independent variables: (a) proportion of administrative, managerial, and professional workers; (b) proportion of non-agricultural workers; (c) proportion of senior high school or college graduates; (d) per capita income; (e) proportion of urban population; (f) dispersion of college campuses. Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficients were computed. Results showed very high correlation coefficients: for instance, for four-year college application ratio, 0.9132 with (c); 0.9012 with (a); 0.8835 with (d); 0.8668 with (b).


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CiNii 論文 -  都道府県別大学進学率格差とその規定要因 http://t.co/2Rw1LXxhlj 1970年の論文。「重回帰分析しないとダメじゃないか」とかいう(したり顔の)指摘は,「はいはい」と流せばいい。高度なことをすればいいってもんじゃないんだよ。
CiNii 論文 -  都道府県別大学進学率格差とその規定要因 http://t.co/R7rtxnaWmZ #CiNii 1970年の友田教授の論文。単相関分析だけど,分かりやすいし考察もしっかりしている。
@yamachan_run 教育社会学ではいくつか論文があるようですね。ちょっと古いけど、1970年の→ http://t.co/CFFlmtbIwD 2011年の→ http://t.co/SAnnzCKUX5
CiNii 論文 -  都道府県別大学進学率格差とその規定要因 http://t.co/UGTIXLtNOD #CiNii 友田泰正教授の論文(1970年)。これが最も初期の研究かな。全文をPDFで見れます。

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