加藤 隆雄
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
no.61, pp.5-24, 1997-10

Why does traditional femininity persist even though women seemingly have become free from traditional constraints? The types of answers to this question are that women adopt traditional femininity by (1) compulsory selection; (2) rational selection; (3) subjective selection; (4) unconscious selection. Each of these is insufficient. This paper suggests some integrated vision for this problem by focusing on the female culture (of younger women), especially its property as capital. Data from the survey reveals the ingredients of the female culture: (a) consummatory factor, (b) domestic factor, and (c) girls' culture factor. Each of them is related to traditional femininity through the DELAY-FUNCTION and the TRANFORMATIVE-FUNCTION (of meaning). The subjectively experienced meaning of the female culture are delay-transformed for reasons of the resemblance of the appearance to the factors of traditional femininity. This function can be precisely formulated as the function of HABITUS (Pierre Bourdieu's term). But Bourdieu did not explain habitus in the context of femininity and women's deprivation. So an extended concept for femininity is required. Habitus is the incarnated form of the capital (Bourdieu especially insisted "capital culturel", i.e. CULTURAL CAPITAL). And this capital functions only in the FIELD ("Champ") that is correlated and reflexively defined with capital. I named such FIELD as related women's properties as "PATRIARCHAL FIELD", and its correlated capital as "PATRIARCHAL CAPITAL". The patriarchal capital, as with other forms of capital such as cultural capital, economic capital and social capital, produces profits only within its field, and converts former forms into another. This process corresponds to the transformative function. Female culture and gender formation of women can be interpreted by Bourdieu's model. And this model will be able to explicate the hidden process of "the reproduction of gender" by the analysis of the conversion of and between such capital as discussed above.


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ふと思い出した論文。「家父長制資本」(学会発表では別のことばだったような…)という語で、ブルデューの再生産論を援用してる。 加藤隆雄「女性文化と家父長制資本--ジェンダーの再生産理論をめざして」 『教育社会学研究』61(特集 教育におけるジェンダー) https://t.co/hvH5BRN3vV

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