加藤 隆雄
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.94, pp.5-24, 2014

川村 光 紅林 伸幸 越智 康詞 加藤 隆雄 中村 瑛仁 長谷川 哲也 藤田 武志 油布 佐和子
研究紀要 (ISSN:13455311)
no.17, pp.51-71, 2016-03-31

The purpose of this study is to analyze Japanese teachers’ viewpoints relating toJapanese society and education based on the data of quantitative investigation of public primary school and junior high school teachers in 2013.From this survey, some important findings were drawn. First, the characteristics of teachers who take an optimistic view of the future Japanese society is that the level of their consciousness of the autonomy of the profession is lower. Second, the characteristics of teachers whose consciousness of the autonomy of the profession is lower are that the level of their consciousness of the training of pupils in 21 century academic abilities is lower and they are not ready to carry out the individual and clinical education that help teachers cope with the reality of pupils in their educational practice. Third, the teachers who are school middle leaders in schools are the ones “accomplishing their duty of the school organization”type, who positively carry out school and lesson reform. Also this trend in younger generation is higher. Especially, the characteristics of the school middle leaders is the important issue to consider for the future school education.
加藤 隆雄
no.40, pp.2-3, 1988-10-14

加藤 隆雄
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.61, pp.5-24, 1997-10-15 (Released:2011-03-18)

Why does traditional femininity persist even though women seemingly have become free from traditional constraints? The types of answers to this question are that women adopt traditional femininity by (1) compulsory selection;(2) rational selection;(3) subjective selection;(4) unconscious selection. Each of these is insufficient. This paper suggests some integrated vision for this problem by focusing on the female culture (of younger women), especially its property as capital. Data from the survey reveals the ingredients of the female culture:(a) consummatory factor, (b) domestic factor, and (c) girls' culture factor. Each of them is related to traditional femininity through the DELAY-FUNCTION and the TRANFORMATIVE-FUNCTION (of meaning). The subjectively experienced meaning of the female culture are delay-transformed for reasons of the resemblance of the appearance to the factors of traditional femininity. This function can be precisely formulated as the function of HABITUS (Pierre Bourdieu's term). But Bourdieu did not explain habitus in the context of femininity and women's deprivation. So an extended concept for femininity is required. Habitus is the incarnated form of the capital (Bourdieu especially insisted capital culturel, i. e. CULTURAL CAPITAL). And this capital functions only in the FIELD (“Champ”) that is correlated and reflexively defined with capital. I named such FIELD as related women's properties as “PATRIARCHAL FIELD”, and its correlated capital as “PATRIARCHAL CAPITAL”. The patriarchal capital, as with other forms of capital such as cultural capital, economic capital and social capital, produces profits only within its field, and converts former forms into another. This process corresponds to the transformative function.Female culture and gender formation of women can be interpreted by Bourdieu's model. And this model will be able to explicate the hidden process of “the reproduction of gender” by the analysis of the conversion of and between such capital as discussed above.
加藤 隆雄
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.94, pp.5-24, 2014-05-31 (Released:2015-06-03)

加藤 隆雄
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
no.61, pp.5-24, 1997-10

Why does traditional femininity persist even though women seemingly have become free from traditional constraints? The types of answers to this question are that women adopt traditional femininity by (1) compulsory selection; (2) rational selection; (3) subjective selection; (4) unconscious selection. Each of these is insufficient. This paper suggests some integrated vision for this problem by focusing on the female culture (of younger women), especially its property as capital. Data from the survey reveals the ingredients of the female culture: (a) consummatory factor, (b) domestic factor, and (c) girls' culture factor. Each of them is related to traditional femininity through the DELAY-FUNCTION and the TRANFORMATIVE-FUNCTION (of meaning). The subjectively experienced meaning of the female culture are delay-transformed for reasons of the resemblance of the appearance to the factors of traditional femininity. This function can be precisely formulated as the function of HABITUS (Pierre Bourdieu's term). But Bourdieu did not explain habitus in the context of femininity and women's deprivation. So an extended concept for femininity is required. Habitus is the incarnated form of the capital (Bourdieu especially insisted "capital culturel", i.e. CULTURAL CAPITAL). And this capital functions only in the FIELD ("Champ") that is correlated and reflexively defined with capital. I named such FIELD as related women's properties as "PATRIARCHAL FIELD", and its correlated capital as "PATRIARCHAL CAPITAL". The patriarchal capital, as with other forms of capital such as cultural capital, economic capital and social capital, produces profits only within its field, and converts former forms into another. This process corresponds to the transformative function. Female culture and gender formation of women can be interpreted by Bourdieu's model. And this model will be able to explicate the hidden process of "the reproduction of gender" by the analysis of the conversion of and between such capital as discussed above.
越智 康詞 菊地 栄治 加藤 隆雄 吉原 惠子
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.32, pp.119-146, 1993-03-30

Many gender studies are based on the concept of patriarchy which stresses the dichotomous distinction between women and men and which focuses on men's domination over women. But, in reality, women cannot be understood by the single category of "women" which is implicitly presupposed in the theory of patriarchy. They consist of multiple and differentiated layers. And the mechanisms through which femininity and domesticity are produced and reproduced should be reconsidered from the point of both feminine culture and the pratique or strategic actions of women. In this paper, the data from the survey of the women undergraduate students (for details, see Section I) are analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. In Section II, quantitative data are analyzed from the viewpoints of feminine socialization and housework practices (chapter A), feminine culture of consumption, domesticity and object-favoritism (chapter B), relationships between marital and professional perspectives (chapter C) and "conservatization" by two types of feminine strategic actions (chapter D). In Section III, the qualitative data (free description) are analyzed concerning the future expectation (chapter A), advantageous and disadvantageous experiences of being women (chapter B), and transformation of notions about males and marriage (chapter C). The perspective of "differentiation and ambivalence of femininity" is effective to analyze the (post-) modern gender relations.
加藤 隆雄
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.43, pp.136-147, 1988-10-03

Socialization is one of the most important mechanisms in social theory, but socialization theory has scarcely progressed in the past twenty years and the concept of "socialization" has become hollow. The main cause of this stagnation is that socialization has been explained by "internalization", especially by the theories of Parsons and Berger and Luckmann. They all suppose that society and individuals will be connected if individuals internalize the set of values or the signification system. But if internalization means something more than, for example, "acquisition", then what is "the interior"? We have found several inconsistencies if supposing "the interior" is the agent for socialization. We must consider that socialization is no longer an internal affair but is an "external" process, and, as such, socialization must have a societal character. Indeed, internalization is not necessary for the major processes of socialization such as language acquisition, role-taking or imitation and playing games. These are types of interaction, and the child must perform the interaction well with others (mostly its mother). This is what is called Sprachspiel. We can understand the existence of the "take-for-granted" region of everyday life if socialization is accomplished by "social preconsciousness". It functions so as to articulate the types of interaction, i.e. Sprachspiel. The investigation of this preconsciousness will bring us the field of ≪meso-sociology≫.