高槻 成紀
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
保全生態学研究 (ISSN:13424327)
vol.10, no.1, pp.101-106, 2005

"Sika deer problems" in Japan are primarily thought of as pest problems affecting agriculture and forestry, although attention has recently been given to their effects on natural vegetation. In decision making regarding deer problems, the opinions of urban residents have relatively little influence. A problem that must be taken into account when planning deer management programs is the concern that sika deer are destroying natural habitats in Japan and therefore cannot be allowed to increase in number. There is also conflict between agriculture-oriented offices, which target damage control, and conservation-oriented offices, which target biodiversity conservation. Local officers are often influenced by mass communication, which may oversimplify the issue as one of deer population problems. Important information needed for effective deer management includes the proper evaluation of damage, vegetation, and deer habitats. Deer population assessment is of low priority. It is necessary to avoid repeating previous mistakes that considered deer population to be a high priority issue. Continuous monitoring by wildlife specialists for at least five years is essential.


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@Animalcapp @kyoyan_o @shiro_kiyanagi @tomoneko488 @wPePaiqtyjkjW6X 時間があったので全訳してみました(大体合ってると思います) [現行のシカ対策における決定要因と「個体数」の扱いについて](抄録) https://t.co/d8Oe2uBsoX https://t.co/kykAEELKTN
@kyoyan_o @Animalcapp @shiro_kiyanagi @tomoneko488 @wPePaiqtyjkjW6X >#広島大学 の教員 こちらの方、英語力に疑問を感じます ↓は #宮島の鹿 と関係ないことがすぐ分かりますし https://t.co/dM2ZGsFO8E 英語の論文も見た限りでは共著者になっていて ご自分では書かれていません https://t.co/hmAJHo9o9g
↑のツイートのことを仰っているのでしょうか とりあえずこちらの文献 [現行のシカ対策における決定要因と「個体数」の扱いについて] https://t.co/d8Oe2uBsoX は、抄録を読みますと ニホンジカ全般の管理の問題について述べたもので #宮島の鹿 のような特定の地域に限定した内容ではありません https://t.co/ldIKltxGhx
#宮島の鹿 について全島で調査されていないから意味がない的なことを投稿するアカウントがありますが,まずは高槻(2005)などをご覧ください.https://t.co/6RYYGt0fBY

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