斉藤 浩子 石川 尚子 大久保 みたみ 大関 政康 大竹 美登利 唐沢 恵子 川端 博子 高崎 禎子 武田 紀久子 林 隆子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.42, no.12, pp.1029-1041, 1991-12-15

The following are the results of an investigation of personal networks of the elderly gathered from members of the Senior Citizen's Club in O^^^me City, Tokyo. (1) The frequencies of contacts with grown-up children living on their own, neighbors, close friends and relatives were surveyed. (2) The most frequent contacts were found with neighbors, followed by close friends, grown-up children living on their own and relatives. (3) Males without spouses show a tendency towards less frequent contact with children who live on their own and relatives, however, they have close relationship with neighbors. (4) Females have contacts with their close friends more often than males. Both males and females without spouses have more frequent contacts than people with spouses. (5) Among the people who make up personal networks of the elderly, excluding their own children, the most chosen by the aged were peer members of the Senior Citizen's Club, followed by neighbors, relatives, friends with same hobbies, siblings, school-maltes and friends from their place of work. (6) Most people seemed to be satisfied with their personal network. (Received November 29, 1990)


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こんな論文どうですか? 東京多摩西部地区の高齢者の生活に関する研究(第2報) : 対人関係,1991 http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110003167330

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