加藤 浩
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.42, no.1, pp.12-23, 1991

Plato censures the imitative poetry and at the same time makes many mythoi in his dialogues. The purpose of this paper is, therefore, to analyse the usages of mythos and its related terms in the context in which they occur and to consider the relation between mythos and poiesis. In the Protagoras the compound of mythos and logos produced by rhetorike is contrasted with logos gained by dialektike, while in the Gorgias and the Phaedo two escatological mythoi anticipate the horizont which logos will be able to reach. When the Idea of Good and dialektite are introduced in the Republic, the inconclusiveness of the dialogue and the conclusiveness of dialektike become obvious. Mythos of Er is allowed to be told as far as it points to the conclusive horizont which dialektike will ultimately reach and makes the dialogue conclusive. Likewise, mythos in the Phaedrus represents the comprehensive vision of dialektike. Mythos as poiesis is characterized by falsehood. But in the Republic mythos is judged according to two norms which regulate what the poets should tell of gods and men. Thence I infer that mythos of Er indicates the ideal mythos which should be told of men. The poetics of Plato, if possible, will be called philosophical as compared with the technical poetics of Aristotle.


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●戸高 和弘「ミュ-トスにおける論理性と反期待性--アリストテレス「詩学」9.1452a 4より」『待兼山論叢』20(美学)、1986年。https://t.co/xFLv8tX3hr ● 加藤 浩「ミュートスとポイエーシス : プラトン<詩学>の可能性」『美学』42(1)、1991年。https://t.co/pVWzlLBfeD

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