松井 清夫 坂本 弘 石須 哲也
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.10, no.10, pp.489-495, 1968-10-20

The majority of the famale workers in the spinning industries in Japan live in their boading-houses. Therefore, the new-comers have need of adjustment to both the labour and the new mode of living. In this report, the psychological adjustment to the new mode of living in their boading-house was investigated. As new-comers come from all the provinces in Japan, their wordings (dialects) are diverse. This was troublesome for them. Other perplexities for them were: how to spend money well, living with many boaders in a room, etc. The majority of them had adjusted themselves to these within three months. But, workers from Ryukyu had different appearances. They had been afflicted with association with workers from other provinces. After the Second World War, Ryukyu was separated from the mainland of Japan and was shifted under the rule of U.S.A. The state of affairs in the mainland was teached in the school of Ryukyu, but, in the mainland, the state of affairs in Ryukyu was faded away in the school education. Therefore, the workers from Ryukyu have extensive knowledge concerming the mainland. They have passion and nostalgia to the mainland. On the other hand, the workers from the mainland have little knowledge of Ryukyu, and they have not recognized the workers from Ryukyu as compatriots. The workers from Ryukyu were distressed by these dislocation in their consciousness. Therefore, the workers from Ryukyu took aggressive group action occasionally, and then several cases of neurosis or psychosomatic diseases were observed among them. An industrial effort on the mental health of the new-comers were made, i.e. the head of roommates was educated as an opinion-leader in their daily life. Then, though the adjustment to their daily superficial life has been made smooth, the above mentioned dislocation in their consciousness between the workers from the mainland and those from Ryukyu could not be solved. In these problems of adjustment of the newcomers the industrial mental health may be closely related to the school education.


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