林 文代 杉浦 静子 坂本 弘
日本生理人類学会誌 (ISSN:13423215)
vol.8, no.2, pp.91-96, 2003-05-25 (Released:2017-07-28)

This study investigated a method of clarifying the effects of sound elements in music on blood pressure. As experimental sound conditions, two paired sets were made; one pair was composed music R and fluctuating noise corresponding to music R, the other pair was composed music S and fluctuating noise corresponding to music S. Subjects were exposed to each of the sounds for 130 sec at the most comfortable intensity level for each sound as adjusted by the individual subject. The blood pressure was measured continuously by Finapres. Elevation of the blood pressure while listening to music R was more dominant than that on exposure to fluctuating noise. That was, the effects of timbre and melody were manifested. On the contrary, the changes in blood pressure on listening to music S showed results similar to those on exposure to fluctuating noise, indicating that sound intensity, tempo, and rhythm were the main source of the effect. This study presented the new method for clarifying the physiological effects by the sound elements.
松井 清夫 坂本 弘 堀尾 清晴 佐藤 広文
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.33, no.5, pp.693-698, 1978-12-30 (Released:2009-02-17)
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騒音暴露時の副腎皮質機能変動に関しては機能上昇と低下の所見が交錯して報告されている。それは暴露音の強さと暴露時間の差異にもとづくのではないかと推察される。本報では広帯域騒音を60, 80, 100dB (c) で8時間暴露し, その経過中の数時点で副腎重量, 副腎中11-OHCS濃度および cholesterol 濃度を測定した。また, 8時間暴露後15分間無騒音の状態においた後に15分間100dB (c) の騒音に再暴露して, 同様の観察項目の測定をおこなった。さらに, 8時間暴露終了直前にACTHまたは histamine を投与し, それらに対する副腎反応性も観察した。次のような結果を得た。1) 騒音暴露により副腎11-OHCS濃度は急速に上昇し, 15分で最高値に達した後ただちに低下し対照群と同一水準に復帰する。暴露がなお継続されているが, 復帰後は対照群と同様に正常日内変動リズムを示す。2) 8時間暴露終了時点における副腎11-OHCS濃度は, 対照群および各音強暴露群間で有意の差は認められなかった。3) 8時間暴露後15分間無騒音の状態においた後に100dB騒音を15分間再暴露すると, 80dB群では副腎11-OHCS濃度は再び上昇する。しかし, 8時間100dB暴露群では有意な上昇はみられなかった。4) 8時間暴露終了直前にACTH投与をおこなうと, 対照群および各暴露群ともに副腎11-OHCS濃度は有意に上昇した。5) 8時間暴露終了直前に histamine を投与すると, 対照群, 60dB暴露群および80dB暴露群では副腎11-OHCS濃度は有意に上昇するが, 100dB暴露群では上昇がみられなかった。6) 副腎中 cholesterol 濃度は, 8時間暴露終了時頃80dBおよび100dB暴露群で有意な減少がみられた。7) 副腎重量はすべての実験および群で有意な変化はみられなかった。以上の結果から, 副腎皮質機能日内変動とストレス反応とでは支配中枢が異なること, 強音暴露時にはストレス反応がみられるにとどまらず中枢支配状況の異常が出現することについて考察した。
松井 清夫 坂本 弘 滝川 寛 杉浦 静子
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.6, no.8, pp.445-448, 1964

Some facts related to menarche and menstrual disorder were reported in the previous report. This study was undertaken to clarify the factors affecting to take menstruation leave. Three hundred sixty-nine female workers in a chemical industry were observed from April, 1962 to December, 1963. And a comparison was made between female and male workers in the same workshop, regarding the rate of absence for reasons. Until March, 1963, the female workers were paid no wages for days of absence owing to menstruation; but, after April, 1963, wages during the menstruation leave became paid to them. By this change of terms of payment, the absence because of menstruation increased after April, 1963. Hence, a comparison in the rate of absence because of menstruation was made numerically between the period before March and that after April, 1963. The results were as follows. Before March, the monthly and weekly variation of the rate of absence because of menstruation could not be seen. But, after April, the rate decreased in the period 5th to 7th and 25th to 27th of a month. The rate of absence for reasons other than menstruation (i.e. private reasons, illness) also decreased in the same periods of a month among both females and males. The decrease at the end of a month is explained by the fact wages are paid in the period 25th to 27th of a month. The rate of absence was higher in the middle than at the end and beginning of a week. This fact may be considered as due to the influence of the information, that the absence because of menstruation including the off-day in undesirable, by the labor union of this workshop.
小沢 久美子 坂本 弘子 市川 裕美子 下川原 久子 久保 宣子 工藤 美恵子 木立 るり子 五十嵐 世津子 坂本 保子 木村 緑 田口 千尋 一戸 とも子 木村 千代子 笹竹 ひかる
一般社団法人 日本看護研究学会
日本看護研究学会雑誌 (ISSN:21883599)
vol.41, no.1, pp.1_37-1_46, 2018

安田 憲司 橋川 真之介 坂本 弘美 冨田 悠一 柴田 早苗 深田 恒夫
The journal of veterinary medical science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.69, no.2, pp.205-208, 2007-02-25

桂 良寛 吉川 貴仁 上田 真也 臼井 達矢 外林 大輔 坂本 弘 高戸 浩志 砂山 友美 中雄 勇人 藤本 繁夫
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.59, no.5, pp.505-512, 2010-10-01

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of aquatic exercise training on the trunk muscles function and activities of daily living in abdominal obese women. Nineteen abdominal obese (abdominal circumference: 90 cm or more) and fifteen age-matched non-obese women were recruited as participants in this study. The aquatic exercise training (60 min/day, three days/week for 8 weeks) based on abdominal twists for activating the trunk muscle function. Physical parameters, biochemical characteristics, arteriosclerotic parameters and activities of daily living scores were assessed before and after the training period. In both groups showed abdominal circumference, percent of body fat, blood pressure and lower extremity muscle strength increased significantly after aquatic exercising training. In particular, endurance capacity of abdominal and back muscles increased significantly and activities of daily living scores were significantly improved in the obese group. Moreover, the improvement in the strength of lower extremities and improvement in the activities of daily living scores, such as climbing and descending stairs, in the obese group tended to be higher than non-obese women. Additionally, in abdominal obese group, the amount of the reduction of abdominal circumference was significantly associated with that of the increase in the strength of lower extremities. Taken together, these findings suggest the possibilities that the present aquatic exercise training based on trunk muscle exercise improving the function of trunk and lower extremity muscles with reduction in the abdominal obesity, contributing to improve activities of daily living in abdominal obese women.
坂本 弘志 古平 真一郎 石島 隆志 山本 利一 鈴木 道義 針谷 安男
宇都宮大学教育学部教育実践総合センタ-紀要 (ISSN:13452495)
no.30, pp.529-538, 2007-07-01

坂本弘巳 長 哲二 斎藤 高志 小宮 勲 泉 隆
九州大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:02862484)
vol.23, pp.47-50, 1996-03

When linear accelerator exceeds 10MV, it produces photonuclear reaction, and generates continuous energy. Measuring devices are very few in number and determination of energy spectrum is very difficult. This paper is designed to show the result of survey made by bubble detectors.
松井 清夫 坂本 弘 石須 哲也
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.10, no.10, pp.489-495, 1968-10-20

The majority of the famale workers in the spinning industries in Japan live in their boading-houses. Therefore, the new-comers have need of adjustment to both the labour and the new mode of living. In this report, the psychological adjustment to the new mode of living in their boading-house was investigated. As new-comers come from all the provinces in Japan, their wordings (dialects) are diverse. This was troublesome for them. Other perplexities for them were: how to spend money well, living with many boaders in a room, etc. The majority of them had adjusted themselves to these within three months. But, workers from Ryukyu had different appearances. They had been afflicted with association with workers from other provinces. After the Second World War, Ryukyu was separated from the mainland of Japan and was shifted under the rule of U.S.A. The state of affairs in the mainland was teached in the school of Ryukyu, but, in the mainland, the state of affairs in Ryukyu was faded away in the school education. Therefore, the workers from Ryukyu have extensive knowledge concerming the mainland. They have passion and nostalgia to the mainland. On the other hand, the workers from the mainland have little knowledge of Ryukyu, and they have not recognized the workers from Ryukyu as compatriots. The workers from Ryukyu were distressed by these dislocation in their consciousness. Therefore, the workers from Ryukyu took aggressive group action occasionally, and then several cases of neurosis or psychosomatic diseases were observed among them. An industrial effort on the mental health of the new-comers were made, i.e. the head of roommates was educated as an opinion-leader in their daily life. Then, though the adjustment to their daily superficial life has been made smooth, the above mentioned dislocation in their consciousness between the workers from the mainland and those from Ryukyu could not be solved. In these problems of adjustment of the newcomers the industrial mental health may be closely related to the school education.