松井 清夫 坂本 弘 滝川 寛 杉浦 静子
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.6, no.8, pp.445-448, 1964

Some facts related to menarche and menstrual disorder were reported in the previous report. This study was undertaken to clarify the factors affecting to take menstruation leave. Three hundred sixty-nine female workers in a chemical industry were observed from April, 1962 to December, 1963. And a comparison was made between female and male workers in the same workshop, regarding the rate of absence for reasons. Until March, 1963, the female workers were paid no wages for days of absence owing to menstruation; but, after April, 1963, wages during the menstruation leave became paid to them. By this change of terms of payment, the absence because of menstruation increased after April, 1963. Hence, a comparison in the rate of absence because of menstruation was made numerically between the period before March and that after April, 1963. The results were as follows. Before March, the monthly and weekly variation of the rate of absence because of menstruation could not be seen. But, after April, the rate decreased in the period 5th to 7th and 25th to 27th of a month. The rate of absence for reasons other than menstruation (i.e. private reasons, illness) also decreased in the same periods of a month among both females and males. The decrease at the end of a month is explained by the fact wages are paid in the period 25th to 27th of a month. The rate of absence was higher in the middle than at the end and beginning of a week. This fact may be considered as due to the influence of the information, that the absence because of menstruation including the off-day in undesirable, by the labor union of this workshop.


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こんな論文どうですか? 月経に関する研究 : 第2報 生理休暇利用に関与する因子(松井 清夫ほか),1964 https://t.co/dGZQFbbZZA Some facts related to menarche and menstrual …

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