村上 周三 出口 清孝 後藤 剛史 上原 清
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
no.287, pp.99-109, 1980-01-30

Experiments concerned with wind effects on pedestrians are described. The experiments consisted three parts. In Part I (1975) walking tests were conducted in a large wind tunnel. In Part II (1976) walking tests were held in a precinct at the base of a high-rise building. Part III (1978) consisted of observations of pedestrians again in a precinct at the base of a high-rise building. In Rart I and Part II, 5 to 10 persons were used as subjects and movie records of their footsteps were analysed. In Part III, movie records taken by video camera of over 2000 pedestrians were analysed, as to footstep-irregularity and body-balance. Based on these three-part experiments, the following criteria are proposed for evaluating wind effects on pedestrians : u<5m/s no effect 5<u<10 some effect 10<u<15 serious effect 15<u extremely serious effect here u=instantaneous wind speed averaged over 3 seconds. These criteria are the same with or a little more severe than the one proposed by Hunt et al., and are considerably more severe than others.


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