小野 英哲 河田 秋澄 宮木 宗和 川村 清志 小西 敏正 三上 貴正 橋田 浩 吉岡 丹
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
no.346, pp.1-8, 1984-12-30

This paper presents the process of the development of the new slipperiness tester and the performance of it. Based on the concept of a new slipperiness tester reported in part 2, a tester (DRAG TYPE) of which details remained changeable and could be adjusted by the result of the later experiments was first developed. The result of measurement of many surfaces, namely, the pulling load-time curves were analysed to find the physical value which can indicate the degree of slipperiness, and coefficient of slip resistance (C.S.R.) was finally found. C.S.R is defined as Pmax/W; where Pmax is the maximum pulling load, W is the loading weight. Then, the each specification of the tester was able to determined in a certain way as C.S.R corresponds smoothly enough to the subjective slipperiness value on the sensory scale obtained in part 1. Moreover, even in matters of the test on powdery and oily surfaces which were similar to actual dusty and muddy wet ones, the smooth correspondence was also recognized. These results made clear that the newly developed tester can be regarded as appropriate for measuring the slipperiness of actual floors.


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Cinii:「店」でヒットしたのはこんな論文です!床のすべりおよびその評価方法に関する研究 : その 3 すべり試験機の設計・試作…(小野ら) http://t.co/oc0ZubmPib #bottest
こんな論文どうですか? 床のすべりおよびその評価方法に関する研究 : その 3 すべり試験機の設計・試作(小野 英哲ほか),1984 http://t.co/qg2CSstveM

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