高田 恒郎 吉住 昭
新潟医学会雑誌 = 新潟医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290440)
vol.110, no.9, pp.369-370, 1996-09

As a member of the medical aid staff of Niigata prefecture, I stayed and worked for the children physically and mentally damaged by the devastating disaster in Nagata-ku, Kobe, from January 31 to February 7, 1995. There were few patients in a critical condition, because it was two weeks after the disaster, when I arrived there. However, there were adverse influences on children's psychosomatic states. Some children apeared apathetic and wouldn't smile, and great anxieties against coming aftershocks and irregularities in daily life were observed in other children. Several schools were partially reopened on February 4. Children complaining PTSD (psychological post-traumatic stress disorders) like symptoms just after the disaster, gradually got better after resuming their school life and begining to play as vigorously as before in the ground. It was impressed that resuming school life as soon as possible might be important for suffering children.


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こんな論文どうですか? 3) 阪神大震災における医療救護に参加して(小児科の立場から)(シンポジウム 大規模災害における救急医療, 第510回新潟医学会)(高田 恒郎ほか),1996 https://t.co/koT9BbTE29 As a mem…

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