伊沢 寛志
新潟医学会雑誌 = 新潟医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290440)
vol.116, no.12, pp.606-618, 2002-12

A total of 371 suicide notes were collected in 868 suicide cases investigated by the Niigata prefectural police during one year of 1999. The ratio of suicide completers (297 cases) who left their notes was 34.2%. The suicides were classified according to sex, age, suicide manner, motivation, history of mental illness and previous attempts or threats of suicide. The detailed form was investigated and their message of the notes was examined using 14 key words including apology, pain of sickness, thanks, requests after death and unwilling part. The psychological status of the note can be understood as a combination of the key word. The result of key word classification showed that many factors are comprised in a motive of suicide. The police made a classification of suicide motive into 8 classification and limited it to one, but it was difficult to select a main motive to only one
諸 和樹 皆川 昌広 高野 可赴 滝沢 一泰 三浦 宏平 永橋 昌幸 坂田 純 小林 隆 小杉 伸一 若井 俊文
新潟医学会雑誌 = 新潟医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290440)
vol.129, no.7, pp.401-407, 2015-07

症例は35歳男性. 検診腹部エコーで脾門部に2cm大の腫瘤を指摘された. 2年後検診で腫瘤の増大傾向を認め, 腹部造影CT検査で膵尾部に44mm大の多房性分葉状腫瘤を認めた. 血算・生化学・凝固系, 腫瘍マーカー, 各種ホルモン値は正常範囲内であった. SPIO造影MRIを施行したが, 腫瘍より尾側におけるT2強調画像信号低下を確認したのみで, 確定診断を下すことができなかった. 腹腔鏡下膵尾部切除を施行し, 術後病理診断で膵内副脾に生じた類上皮嚢胞と診断された. 診断に苦渋した1例を報告する.
高田 恒郎 吉住 昭
新潟医学会雑誌 = 新潟医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290440)
vol.110, no.9, pp.369-370, 1996-09

As a member of the medical aid staff of Niigata prefecture, I stayed and worked for the children physically and mentally damaged by the devastating disaster in Nagata-ku, Kobe, from January 31 to February 7, 1995. There were few patients in a critical condition, because it was two weeks after the disaster, when I arrived there. However, there were adverse influences on children's psychosomatic states. Some children apeared apathetic and wouldn't smile, and great anxieties against coming aftershocks and irregularities in daily life were observed in other children. Several schools were partially reopened on February 4. Children complaining PTSD (psychological post-traumatic stress disorders) like symptoms just after the disaster, gradually got better after resuming their school life and begining to play as vigorously as before in the ground. It was impressed that resuming school life as soon as possible might be important for suffering children.
山崎 理
新潟医学会雑誌 = 新潟医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290440)
vol.128, no.12, pp.615-619, 2014-12

2009(平成21)年の新型インフルエンザA/H1N1対応の経験を踏まえ, 2012(平成24年)に「新型インフルエンザ等対策特別措置法」が制定され, 政府行動計画, ガイドラインが策定された. これを受け, 新潟県においても新たに行動計画を策定し, 対応を行うこととなった. 新たな政府行動計画では, 「新型インフルエンザ等対策の強化を図り, 国民の生命及び健康を保護し, 国民生活及び国民経済に及ぼす影響が最小限になるようにする」ことが目的として掲げられ, 対策に伴う外出自粛要請や物資収用等の私権制限も盛り込んだ体系となっている. 県行動計画では, 県知事による県内の対策の総合調整, 特措法に定める緊急事態措置(外出自粛要請等)の実施, 病原性・感染力の程度に応じた対策の選択・切替がポイントとして挙げられる. 今後の総合的な対応及びその準備に向け, 関係各位の一層の御協力をお願いしたい.
川俣 治
新潟医学会雑誌 = 新潟医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290440)
vol.111, no.10, pp.633-646, 1997-10

In order to detect enterovirus and rhinovirus sequences as separately for the virus genera by single test of RT-PCR (reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction), two sets of the primers were prepared covering the 5'-NTR (nontranslated region) to the VP4 in the virus genome for amplification. The sequences selected for detection included a deletion of ca. 120 b (bases) stretch in the rhinovirus genome so as to get the products separate in the electrophoretic mobilities for each virus groups. The first set of the primers consisted of P3 (5'-GGCCCCTGAATGCGGCTAAT-3') and P5 (3'-GTTCTGGGATCATTTAAGTG-5') and the second was of P4 (5'-ACTTTGGGTGTCCGTGTTTC-3') and P5;the P3 and P4 (for a closer site to the P5 compared to the P3 site) were complementary to the sequences in the 5'-NTR of 95~100% homology and P5 being in the VP4 region complementary to the sequence of 60~90% homology through the two virus groups, each. By considering the relatively low homology in the counterpart site, the P5 primer was employed for initiation of the reverse transcription at a low temperature of 37℃ for promoting the primer annealing to the template RNA. When applied to the prototype strains, the P3-P5 primers gave a single band equivalent to 460 b DNA for the enteroviruses (43/44 serotypes) and that of 340 b DNA for the rhinoviruses (8/8 serotypes), thus enabling to easily discriminate the two virus groups on the separate mobilities of the products. Similarly, the products by the P4-P5 primers were of 340 b and 220 b DNAs for enteroviruses (43/44 serotypes) and rhinoviruses (8/8 serotypes), respectively, again being of easy discrimination of the virus groups. Of these experiments, authenticity of the products was confirmed by base sequence analysis with selected product samples from the experimental groups. The primers prepared were also compared for the efficiencies of virus detection in the clinical specimens with the tissue culture method for virus isolation. Positive ratios resulted were 65/96 by the RT-PCR and 54/96 by the tissue culture method. The primers thus proved effective for rapid and discriminative detection of enteroviruses and rhinoviruses to the laboratory diagnosis.
島田 能史 松尾 仁之 小林 孝
新潟医学会雑誌 = 新潟医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290440)
vol.118, no.1, pp.17-20, 2004-01
