小沢 朝江
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.59, no.463, pp.175-182, 1994
4 4

Katsurano-miya household had three villas in Rakugai(a Kyoto suburb) except Katsura Villa, and had two palaces, called Imadegawa Palace and Ishiyakushi palace, in Rakucyu(kyoto city). This is the study on the Ocha-ya in the Iraadegawa Palace.The results are as follows. (1) There were six Ocha-ya in Imadegawa Palace when Prince Yakahito lived in that palace. They were called Sekio, Unsetsu, Kairaku, Undai, Sakuyu and Machibito. They all had existed in 1758. (2) Sekio was build in 1727 at latest. This Ocha-ya was revered an anceptor, and was attached Futaba-tei tea celemony room which was the imitation of Shokin-tei tea celemony room in the Katsura Villa. (3) Compared with the Ocha-ya in Imadegawa Palace and those in the villas in Rakugai.they had something in common. Build on a height with a fine view, commanded a enjoyable scenery of rice field, and setting the space of revering an anceptor insaide. And so on.


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こんな論文どうですか? 桂宮家の今出川屋敷における御茶屋について : その沿革・特色・使い方と桂離宮など洛外の別荘との比較,1994 http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110004653859

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