西村 伸也 廣江 真治 千々石 佳弘
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.60, no.467, pp.71-79, 1995
6 2

The purpose of this study is to clarify the distinctive feature of "machiya" in Niigata, especially focused on the common-use space such as "hiawai", "dashiai" or "kuiawase" in Takada, Shirone and Tochio. The results of this study are as follows; (1) "Zashiki" in Takada, which has the family altar between the room and "do-ma", is used for Buddhist mass and formal reception. But "chano-ma" in Shirone with the family altar opposite side of "do-ma" is used for that. (2) The limited space between two houses are equipped for "tokono-ma", family altar, stairs, closet and so on. This is called as "hiawai" at Takada, "dashiai" at Shirone and "kuiawase" at Tochio in Niigata. (3) In Shirone "tokono-ma" and family altar are equipped as "dashiai" at "chano-ma". But "hiawai" in Takada dose not have so bigger depth to have these as "dashiai". For that, "zashiki" is furnished with the family altar at the side of "do-ma". (4) "Chano-ma" is void both in Takada and Shirone. "Machiya" of Takada has not the ceiling but Shirone. There is the relation between these difference and the shape of roof (the gable of "machiya" is faced to the street in Takada but the side of eaves is so in Shirone).


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こんな論文どうですか? 新潟の町家における空間構成の特徴とそのしくみ : 高田・白根・栃尾の「ヒアワイ」「ダシアイ」「クイアワセ」の使われ方と共用のしくみ(西村 伸也ほか),1995 http://t.co/CRWGkVLBfn

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