鈴木 憲三 松原 斎樹 森田 大 澤地 孝男 坊垣 和明
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.60, no.475, pp.17-24, 1995
42 11

The heating and cooling systems in the municipal apartment-houses at Sapporo, Kyoto and Naha are compared and discussed for the purpose of improving the thermal environment and enegy conservation. The results are summarized as follows: 1. In Sapporo where heating the whole house is accepted, adequate insulation and air-tightness works drastically. 2. In kyoto heating and cooling equipments are operated on occasion. Condensation is usually observed even in apartment-houses which are thermally insulated to meet with local standard. Inadequate insulation with open fire heating equipment accelerates energy consumpution and indoor air-pollution. 3. In Naha cross-ventilation in summer is effective, nevertheless, mechanical cooling practice is gaining the growing popularity to enable residents to lessen thier casual visibility through openings, thus ensuring mutual privacy. These facts show that energy conservation measures are required to adapt to the regional resident's living style as well as to the regional climate.


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こんな論文どうですか? 札幌,京都,那覇の公営集合住宅における暖冷房環境の比較分析 : 暖冷房使用に関する意識と住まい方の地域特性と省エネルギー対策の研究 その1(鈴木憲三ほか),1995 http://id.CiNii.jp/TguPL

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