佐藤 正彦
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.61, no.484, pp.213-219, 1996
1 1

Since a fire is the most dreaded disaster for a wooden building, signs and symbols of fire prevention are commonly used on "munafuda" (dedication board). These sings are, for instance "[figure]" symbolizing water, or ones which stand for the sun, the moon and stars. Especially, stars of 28 hotels are popular, such as "△" representing the star of the triangular seat, that is, the north heaven. The Chinese character 'seal' is used as a magical sign of 'cutting of a seal' and also of 'enclosing something inside' ; sometimes the mere symbol "[figure]" is applied in the same occasions."[figure]" occasionally symbolizes four kings. The sign "[figure]", meaning 'nine characters are cut' in Yin and Yang theory, is used. Again, in Buddhist temples, munafuda registers "卍" symbols.


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